OS X Throwbacks - Public Beta Question

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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
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OS X Throwbacks - Public Beta Question

Lately I've been waxing nostalgic about the heady days of 2000-2002. The hardware, the software, among other things. I've been in the process of installing all the versions of OS X I have onto my Blue and White G3. (everything from the public beta to tiger). So far, I've been able to get 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3, and 10.4 on it without a hitch, but the public beta always hangs during boot (I gave it 30 minutes to boot with no success). It's been just shy of five years since I used that disc, and at the time it was on a bondi with 192 mb of ram. My blue and white has 1gb of RAM. Does anyone know if the machine will need to be fooled into thinking it's winter 2000, or if the ram is posing an issue. It's been forever since I've used it, and I'm curious to play with it considering that we're at tiger now and OS X has grown quite a bit.

If anyone can help with the public beta, that'd be cool. Does anyone else ever go back to play with the older variations of X?


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Sometimes trying to boot a mac with a disk takes more than one try (for me, at least). It took 6 reboots to get an old PowerBook I had to recognize an installer disk and boot from it correctly without hanging. Maybe this isn't the case with newer macs. Also, I also sometimes play with old versions of OS X. It's fun to see the Happy Mac again at bootup. I miss the happy mac so much...

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Last seen: 3 years 11 months ago
Joined: Apr 2 2005 - 14:01
Posts: 709

I've set the date and time to 12/12/2000, disconnected the ethernet cable, and booted from the OS X Public Beta cd in verbose mode. It now claims I/O errors. The drive works perfectly fine, and every other OS installs perfectly fine on it. The hard drive, an 80gb 7200 rpm mechanism is less than three months old. I'm also booting from a late model superdrive (dvr-105pb).


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