Well see my 1ghz Albook had a dent in the top case on top of the screen and it has been bothering me to get it out but i can't get the darn screen apart. So al i am asking is for someone to help me and tell me how to take apart this thing. a link would also be nice.
thanks to anyone who helps.
I really wish there was an upgrade option for this... I even took a look at the last new 12" Albook screens, and I can't tell a difference... What is so great about them? My A22m ThinkPad has a screen that is actually usable in sunlight (that is, out doors)! I'd pay $500 for a replacement LCD, if it was brighter and had, I don't know... CONTRAST.
Sorry I can't help you with the take apart... I love my pb... I just wish the screen was, you know, as good as all the other crappy and cheaper screens...
good luck
oh, yeah... there was that guy with the hack to make the apple logo colored in the classic way like the old logo... I am pretty sure he had to take the display apart to do that... I'm no good at search terms, but I know I saw that and he documented what he did with instructions and pictures... I'm pretty sure he did it twice because he wasn't happy with the initial results...
someone?!?! anyone?!?! I tried taking the two screws out, but it still won't come apart.
I have tried this myself, and as of yet not been able to do this
technique. The glue is damn tough.
tried google?
i have already seen that when i replaced my titaniums screen. i need to know how to take apart an Albook's screen now.
and yes i have tried google.
Did you insert an object like a knife/official Apple nylon tool into the display's seams and try to lever the bucket backwards off the bezel? Two screws is nothing compared to all the clips that hold the two parts together.
i did but i didnt know if it was just clips or glue, and so i didnt want to bend the metal. so i guess my guestion is... are they clips or gue or what?
Only the TiBooks are glued together. No modern Macs are held together by adhesive, thank god.
Got the dent out fine! Thanks to everyones input!
I thought that the 15-17" pb screens were glued? I can see glue coming out of the side of my 15" and no this is not a titanium i am talking about. if its not glue then i don't know what it is.
Does anyone know where I can find pics or a guide to taking the screen apartwhere?
I'm gagging to change the colour of the apple logo in my Albook...