I'm wondering if anyone can give me a solid answer on my little question. Ive searched/trawled/crawled the web trying to get a succinct answer, but so far all I've been able to turn up is a few posts here...
What i'd like to do is this: I've picked up a cheap G3 300 MT, which I'd like to do various mods/hacks on. I also have an old unused G4 350 Zif which was used in my work machine until it was upgraded with a sonnet G4 encore 1ghz zif. The card is sitting there doing nothing...
Today I wondered if it was at all possible to pop that G4 card into the G3, considering the Sonnet cards are compatible with both a G3 and a G4. And mostly I wondered if anyone had actually done it...and what steps they took to enable this to work. (i'd prefer not to fry anything other than my head). Eventually I'd like to overclock it.
I have seen the posts here and on accelerateyourmac about using 300mhz zifs in 266 DT, and B&W zifs being usued succesfully in beige's as well. What I'm hoping is that as the G4 350 is a "low end" spec processor it will work in much the same way as a B&W will in a beige (I read that later G4 zifs wouldn't work?).
I want to be able to run OS X on the machine-mainly for websurfing/email, burning CD's etc...
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
If your 350MHz G4 uses an AGP video card, then the CPU isn't a ZIF and won't go into a B&W G3. Only the G4s with PCI video cards used ZIF CPUs - they were basically G3s with an upgrade.
I don't think the AGP G4's ever used ZIFs. Ony the PCI G4's used a ZIF because it was the same mobo as the blue and white G3.
Isn't that exactly what I said?
If it is a Zif and fits the socket go for it.
Yes it should work fine.
Apple's G4 ZIF doesn't necessarily have the same pinout as an Apple G3 ZIF--the power supply, signal, etc. pins may be different. There's also the factor of whether the ROM on the G3 will support the G4. Even if all the pinouts match, that alone would be the deciding factor. Sonnet's G3/G4 compatible board was specifically designed to be interchangeable amongst these models, but Apple may not have designed theirs this way--in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Apple deliberately deigned the PCI G4 ZIF not to work in a G3, Unless one has heard from someone who has successfully done this, or unless one has complete documentation on which pins are which on each, and can compare them to determine whether they match up, there's a slim chance you might fry something if you put an Apple G4 ZIF into a beige G3, a B&W G3, etc. I'm also assuming Apple's G4 ZIF has the same number of pins as their G3 ZIF. However, all that being said, there's at least some chance it might work, or at least not fry things--I wanted to offer the warnings first because I haven't tried this myself, but what I have tried is to put a beige G3's processor into a B&W G3, and vice versa, and that worked fine; and the G4 PCI, which I think is the source of the G4 ZIP board the poster above is referring to (he isn't specific), is essentially a B&W G3 logic board that Apple modified to work with a G4 ZIF processor. Though this at first might make it sound like, through this sequence of models, that the ZIFs for the G4 PCI might have the same pinouts as the beige G3 logic board's ZIF socket, the mods Apple made to the B&W G3 logic board might also have included rewiring some of the pin locations on the logic board's ZIF socket; if so, the corresponding pins on Apple's G4 ZIF board might not be the same as the G3 ZIF socket.
you might go to this website for more info www.wmld.com/tech/jumperchart2.html I am changing my Beige G3 333Mhz to a 400MHz out of a B&W and I was refered to this website. It has charts and some good info
As far as a mac is concerned a Zif processor is only the specifice g3 + g4 processors that fit in the Zif socket of beige g3's b&w g3's and Yikes! g4's. The b&w g3 will not take a g4 zif with out an open firmware patch unless it never recieved any firmware updates from apple (unlikely) there are workarounds on the various mac upgrade sites. Shouldn't be tough. Do a search for "g4 b&w" patch
Seeing as you're getting quite a bit of contradictory advice here, I'd suggest going to http://www.xlr8yourmac.com and reading through the FAQs in the appropriate section.
(but yeah, reklus is right, it can be done IF it is a ZIF - upgrade or patch the firmware first with the old CPU in place, then swap.)