SCSI and the Artixscan problem partially solved

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Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: Apr 13 2005 - 22:51
Posts: 24
SCSI and the Artixscan problem partially solved

I've been having trouble with getting an Artixscan 4000t to work on my Beigh G3 running OS 10.2.8.

The scanner was a rescue -- burned out lamp, easy fix -- and I foolishly assumed I would only have to plug it into the MB SCSI and have a working scanner. Ha!

First problem was that turning on the scanner booted the G3 -- big PITA as the scanner wouldn't show up on the buss and I had to reboot. Still didn't show up. Grrr, what's with this crap!

Add to that, I have to run OS9 to get the factory software (Photoshop plugin, can you believe it) to access the scanner at all. This trips me up, as I cannot boot the G3 off either OS9 on an internal hard drive for some reason -- classic starts up just fine, but when I switch startup disks, the boot fails with a message to start with extension off and a freeze. Both disks are SCSI, not IDE, if that means anything....

Anyhoo, I drag out the ancient LaCie drive I keep around for emergencies (like my powerbook hard drive installation fiasco -- don't bother with a Toshiba HDD2164 F drive in a PB, it WON'T WORK!), hoping that I won't scramble the OS on that disk too (OS 9.1 booted fine on the G3 from my old drive until I ran OS 10, then never again????). Voila, I can run. Sort of. Boots fine, the OS didn't get scrambled, but the scanner never show up anywhere. Huh? It initializes on boot, so I know it's recognized, sort of, anyway?

I obtained the OS X version of Vuescan (the OS 9 version doesn't support the Artixscan), no joy, still no scanner. I'm stuck using the laptop to scan and I have a dealine approaching. Who needs sleep anyway?

I did get the SCSI card that shipped with the scanner, so after digging around for a couple days, I finally find it under the weight bench and install it, hoping against hope that if I have a second SCSI buss I can get everything working.

It works about 50%. I can turn the scanner on before the computer and not get an instant boot, which is nice. I can use Vuescan and scan, but the Photoshop pluging under classic now cannot find the scanner. What gives, OS 9 recognizes scsi cards just fine, right?

Anybody have any ideas (besides swap the Beige for a B&W, now that I have a functioning scsi card)? I'd really like to boot 9 from an internal disk, as I MUST run 9 to use QuarkExpress -- it vanishes occasionally under Classic, and I loose all my work every time it does.

Thanks much!


Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: Feb 23 2005 - 05:27
Posts: 233
scsi termination?

Have you checked to make sure your scsi devices are terminated properly? os x is SUPER picky about that.

Last seen: 17 years 2 months ago
Joined: Apr 13 2005 - 22:51
Posts: 24
Yup, known good cables, prope

Yup, known good cables, proper termination, I think. May need to check the internal drives, though.

Scanner works fine with my Wallstreet, same cable.


Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: Feb 23 2005 - 05:27
Posts: 233
Re: Yup, known good cables, prope

Yup, known good cables, proper termination, I think. May need to check the internal drives, though.

Scanner works fine with my Wallstreet, same cable.


The termination is on the scsi device, not the cable. Also, there may be a single device limitiation for scsi stuff within os x...I read something along those lines. Anybody care to back me up?

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