If anyone else here has one of these cars, I was wondering if you could do me a teeensy favor:
I need to see what position the vacuum lines are on the climate control (for A/C, Vent, Heater, etc).
When I replaced the heater core on this beast a few months ago, I pretty much had to take the dashboard apart to the firewall to remove it. In the process, the climate control panel was separated from the underlying electronics and vacuum lines. While they are now reconnected, the climate control does not seem to work properly. It would be nice to get it working again - I've almost paid the car off, and it's getting warm!
Examining the position of the vacuum lines would involve removing the trim from around the climate control by pulling out from the bottom of the trim, then removing the three screws holding the climate control panel in place. Once it is pulled out slightly, you will see the vacuum lines.
I would greatly appreciate any help in this matter.
Your local library should have service manuals you can ether make copys of or take out. Hope this helps.
I actually own the Haynes manual for this car. While it is a great book, it doesn't tell me this small tidbit of information.