Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions

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MaxTek's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
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Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions

Anyone remember that paperback, I think put out by the folks at MAD?

The reason I ask is I need to write a good email to shut up this person that is badgering my mother (in her email).

Long story short, this wacko actually had the nerve to bitch my mother out because she posted an item at Ebay in a category that it wouldn't normally go in. My Mother had her reasons at it worked. She has several bids on it.

This person has nothing better to do than fire off emails complaining about mundane crap like this.

Well I got her email and yes I could just send her tons of porn or use profanity but I wanted to really make her think or blow her mind.

The above mentioned book came instantly to mind when my Mother told me of this wacko.

Anyone have any great replies, great flip her out html code or the like.



P.S. What was that website that made your PC look like it was deleting files and installing the mac os?

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Mac OS8 install


Here you go:

Have fun

MaxTek's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
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Posts: 702
"Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions" or is that Stupid Lady


Thanks for the link. That's the one. I don't know if I will use it or not. I just tried it with one browser and it doesn't work. Of course it still works with IE 5.1.

Sooo...back to my quandry above...any of you brilliant minds out there have a good one for me?


eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 6 months ago
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Sounds like a fun idea, but t

Sounds like a fun idea, but that sort of tactic can backfire and cause trouble for your mom.

If you want to send an email, make it professional, saying that she's made her point, but the auction does not in any way violate ebay's policies, and further emails from her will be considered harassment and reported to her ISP. CC it to ebay's complaint address - they'll likely never read it, or will respond with a useless form letter, but it adds credibility.

Easiest response is none, and add the nutbar's email address to a spam filter.

...or just anonymously post her email address and an invitation to write back in an interesting usenet group where it'll never be traced back to you or your mom.

martakz's picture
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Just ignore it...or set your

Just ignore it...or set your program to send it back to the sender.

MaxTek's picture
Last seen: 2 years 2 weeks ago
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Not much imagination for us Mac creatives

Come on guys, that's all we got. Of course I can ignore it or the like. But that is no fun. This wacko opened up a can of worms for no apparent reason and needs to be put in her place.

Thanks anyway, but I think I will take the creative revenge route.


Last seen: 17 years 8 months ago
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If you're going to go ahead,

If you're going to go ahead, I think it should be related to a misplaced catagory... something along the lines of:

"This email has be sent to you because you have applied to our penile enlargement services, if you in fact applied for the penile reduction, please lodge your complaint in the appropriate catagory."

I dunno, the dude's probably pretty sad with life anyway. It could be best to ignore him.

Reverend Darkness's picture
Last seen: 9 years 1 week ago
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You don't have to send email....

...but you can get other people to do it for you. Simply go to and do a search for "gay porn"... enter their email address in as many forms as you can find, and then let go of the problem.

It's worked for me...

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