So... who all was staking it out today, waiting to get into...

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Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Feb 10 2004 - 21:41
Posts: 208
So... who all was staking it out today, waiting to get into...

The OpenBSD 3.7 Mirror sites?


OpenBSD 3.7 came out today. They cleaned up the Mac68k port quite a bit, and looks like overall the kernel has a lot of nifty new features. I'm downloading the source as well as the binary distribution and packages for i386, mac68k and macppc as I type.

Anyone else a BSD nut?

I am an OpenBSD fanboy. And no, that is not a scuba tank.

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I thought OpenBSD was basicly

I thought OpenBSD was basicly just a really secure NetBSD with less packages. Care to enlighten me?

Last seen: 16 years 2 weeks ago
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It WAS like that... but now the kernel is quite a bit more advanced than NetBSD. Also, as of 3.x, OpenBSD has really been kicking butt and taking names when it comes to adding hardware support.

Case and point, on my PC Laptop, tons of stuff "just works" with no compiling. USB Ethernet adapter, built-in sound card, ethernet, modem, PCMCIA/CardBus stuff, X11 works out of the box no problems...

Also, it has an on-the-fly kernel editor, where you can enable or disable things in the kernel without recompiling, and sometimes without even rebooting.

Basically, even though OpenBSD came from the ashes of a fight between Theo VS the rest of the NetBSD developers, OpenBSD makes NetBSD look like a little toy now. I have a few 680x0 boxes laying around. Maybe while I'm at it today I'll snag up NetBSD m68k current as well and pit them head-to-head this weekend. I haven't played with NetBSD in quite a while. I do seem to recall that there were quite a few more pre-compiled packages for 68k with NetBSD. Which is good because my 16MHz SE/30 doesn't really like compiling stuff.

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I like your number plate alot

I like your number plate alot Smile

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