Two weeks ago, *sniff,* my beautiful 14" iBook G4 decided to bite the bullet and break its logic board. It died hard and took my harddrive along with it. At the time there was no way I could wait for parts and repair - I needed my computer the next day - so I bit the bullet, pulled out the credit card, and bought a 12" Powerbook G4. (Please, no comments on how nice it is to be able to do that - I'll be paying for this baby for awhile.)
I'm a huge photographer and take lots of great pictures. Since I travel and move a lot, it would be awesome to be able to convert the large screen into some kind of digital picture frame I can take with me rather than many physical frames. I looked around on the internet and there's lots of advice on how to convert old laptops into digital frames, but the problem is that most of these laptops are already working for the most part. Mine, sadly, is not at all.
Is it even possible to salvage the screen or rig this thing up in some way that allows for it to do what I'd like for it to do or will it be impossible without a logic board and harddrive? What pieces do I need to buy to hook everything into?
I welcome more questions, suggestions. or links to websites that actually have something to do with what I'm asking about. Thanks for your input.
Get a broke screen one off eBay.
how much do you want for your old ibook?
I'd suggest going to your local apple dealer and trying to get the logic board replaced (for free) under the ibook logic board repair extension program. Then, sell it on eBay