What software do you use?

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What software do you use?

Hi Smile
I am now well into my 68k projects, the 2 SE/30s are up and running, the emulator is also running... all this under 7.5.5 so far.

I wanted to get an idea of the free software available out there to start really using the old SE/30s.

I thought of the following jobs I will want to do:

If you have some suggestions I would be very grateful, If you know of other interesting and useful software all ideas are welcome Wink

Otherwise, maybe you might know of a web site with a list of available software...

Thanx Smile

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Jags House

http://www.jagshouse.com is very good for this sort of thing.

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Posts: 107
Yes but...

Yes I know that site, but are these softwares available freely over the internet? because his site asks you to buy the CD... I know it is not much but I am in Europe and that makes aquiring the software packages slightly expensive seing as they are "out of date"... and especially if they are free for download over the internet...

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The stuff on his site is free, you can buy it but you don't have to, scroll down to the "get your compact mac on the net" bit and there are the programs. Or look in the classic mac applications sections.

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Color-it! and Spuerpaint are

Color-it! and Spuerpaint are good coloring programs. Color-it! has lots of cool things.

I use word 5.1, and excel 4.0.

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Nisus Compact!

I've been using Nisus Compact for years as my primary word processing program, and I like it! Runs on system 6 and up, I've even run it on my Plus! Recommended!
Also, if you don't mind spending a little ($5USD), there's Tex Edit Plus, sort of a hopped up Simple Text that can be used for light word processing. And in that vein (and because it shares the same name as my beloved PowerBook 540c), you could also download Excalibur, a freeware Tex spellchecker that runs independent of the word processor. In case you haven't noticed, I like my software small, tight and fast; just make it run, and fast. Hope this helps.


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Nisus looks interesting, I shall try it out and see. As far as Jagshouse is concerned I must be dumb or something but I can't get hold of much...

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OK, AIM is on the front page, just scroll down a bit. Internet stuff is here http://www.jagshouse.com/classicinternet.html There is also his anon-ftp at ftp://ftp.jagshouse.com which contains a lot of stuff.

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http://home.earthlink.net/~gamba2 is still around, and they have a list of stuff to use to get the web on one 800k floppy. You may find some of the information in there handy, as well as some of the long forgotten software.

you don't have to worry about slimming things down quite as much, since you're on a mac with a hard drive, but have a poke round there


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OK getting somewhere...

So far I have opted for Eudora for e-mails, Nisus for text editing... as far as the internet is concerned that is all ok I have two browsers MacWWW and a text browser for the quick surfs... I still, though, have these items of my list that are proving more tricky, specially the science software...

Thanx all for your help Smile

Just for info the SE/30 specs are:

Internal Floppy (of course)
32Mb Ram
230Mb Internal HD
3Gb External HD
CD-Rom External (Apple)
External Floppy (Apple)
OS 7.5.5

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euronet.nl/users/mvdk/system_6_heaven.html has stuff that will do what you ask,
Built for System six, it's up to the task.
Then there's always Pure-Mac.com, unless you're looking for emulator ROMS,
They might have them too; I haven't looked.
My SE/30's got them booked.
MacWorldWideWeb will often crash, causing often a want to smash
Like my MP3 player (don't get one)
Alas alas, this poem's done--

Except to say, get OSX
And Equation editor use often. (It's a system 7 Program, but included)

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