My futur Macintosh Classic II

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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Mar 30 2005 - 08:01
Posts: 37
My futur Macintosh Classic II

When I get a mac classic II I want it to have the max amout of memory, and the biggest HD I can have. If I need to get any little boards and stuff can you tell me the name.

On specs websites for mac classic II it says the max # but on here and peoples websites the have bigger #'s.

I am going to load system 7.5.3, word 5.1, some art program, some games, and the rest I am goint to just write word files. I will also have to find a printer for this thing and I will have to load the drivers. I already have a applewritter, but I need to get a new drum for it(I have the drivers).

If I put a SCSI HD (formatted, blank, no file system) and put a install disk in the floppy drive will it open the install and do it's thing? Or do I have to connect and blank external drive, Move the current system to the blank drive, take out the old one, put in the new one (with files on it),and then run the install program off that.

Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: Mar 30 2005 - 08:01
Posts: 37
Also I want to have any proce

Also I want to have any processor upgrades.

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