B&W Color Classic:

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Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
Joined: Mar 12 2005 - 13:18
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B&W Color Classic:

How about putting a 128/512k or Plus logic board in a Color Classic and run old software on it! I would only want to do this if I could also lose the fan. Don't know how much it was designed to cool the logic board or the analogue board or both. TVs don't have fans, so I would think if you reduce the processing power and eliminate the HDs, in that big case it would be O.K. Thoughts?

tmtomh's picture
Last seen: 2 years 6 months ago
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What Would Be the Point?

I understand we 'fritterfolk often do stuff just for the hackintosh of it, but what would be the point of this? Both machines are compact all in one units. Their case designs are different, but not very. Both machines will run very old software - the only software a CC won't run is software that requires System 6 or earlier. And getting a 128/512/Plus logic board to work with a CC analog board would be rather difficult.

I would imagine you could just put a whole 128, 512 or Plus into a CC case and be done with it. You'd have to fabricate some black fillets (wood, or a stiff, high-density foam) to account for the differences between the two CRTs, but that'd be a piece of cake compared to wiring a 128/512/Plus mobo to into a CC.

Or you could leave the CC alone, install its earliest supported OS - System 7.1 - set its display prefs to black and white, and pretend you're using a Plus.

Or, finally, you could try running vMac on it, and emulating a 128, 512 or Plus.


eeun's picture
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The main attraction to a Colour Classic is that first word in its name: Colour (Or 'Color' if that floats your boat).

I can't see the point of taking a CC and downgrading it into something slower and monochrome.

Is your notion that you'd end up with a colour 128 or Plus? That would not happen. At least, not easily.

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
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Posts: 115
The Point?

Because it's there ... ! No really, I like the form factor and the design, but I hate the fan. I also happen to have the logic boards and cases sitting around. I'm actually looking for a "retro" design that lets me ZEN-out from time to time, reliving a simpler time: the 80s! LOL. But you're right -- I can do the same thing with vMac, which is probably what I'll end up doing if I go that route (vMac can also be set to limit it's speed so it runs about as slowly as the original on a fast processor -- patience is a virtue you know). Just wish there was someway to eliminate that fan and not cause a system meltdown.

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Of course ... Colour. I've been debating the Queens English on this one and while I personally prefer "colour" as I do "theatre", it was created in the USA, so I must default to "color" officially. Must have been an interesting marketing problem when presented at Apple -- I would have loved to see the looks on the executives eyes when informed with that issue, particularly someone like John Scully who was as Apple Pie as they get (no pun intended)! Anyway, yes that is exactly my notion -- and you're right, I think it would take quite a bit of "hacking". But for me, the main attraction is that style! Wow! Giving it a monochrome screen would create a stylistic statement! Imagine that beautiful little machine sitting in a white room with black curtains! I'll tell you another little retro thing I've been doing which has a great look is using the old pre-system 7 B&W icons in OSX. The background is 21st century but the icons look like they're 19th centruy newspaper advertisements. It's a great look!

dankephoto's picture
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re: I hate the fan

so replace the CC's main fan with a quieter version, easily done. Or drop the fan's voltage to reduce its speed and volume. Or both.

dan k

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