old 3400c scree

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Last seen: 20 years 3 hours ago
Joined: Mar 14 2005 - 21:29
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old 3400c scree

I've got a old 3400c, and would like to know if you can and how if possible to remoce and use the screen as a secondary display on another pc.

Last seen: 3 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 234
I hear that they are making a

I hear that they are making a new Indiana Jones movie. Where Indiana tries on use a laptop LCD on a desktop. During this adventure he faces many obstacles. Like a bunch of Nazi's, A really big rolling rock, and swords that come out of the wall and chop your head off. In the end he gets it to work only to have the workshop fall apart and have it fall into a huge crack in the Earth.

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Last seen: 2 hours 13 min ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
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Re: I hear that they are making a

I hear that they are making a new Indiana Jones movie. Where Indiana tries on use a laptop LCD on a desktop. During this adventure he faces many obstacles. Like a bunch of Nazi's, A really big rolling rock, and swords that come out of the wall and chop your head off. In the end he gets it to work only to have the workshop fall apart and have it fall into a huge crack in the Earth.

But before the workshop falls apart, he finds the Holy Grail...which is pretty much what you're looking for. Search these and the old AF forums for "holy grail" and you'll find many, many other people who want to do the same as you and the many, many reasons why it won't work.

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Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
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Re: I hear that they are making a

From the Applefritter FAQ:

Q: How do I turn this laptop screen into a monitor?
A: Put simply you don't.  Whilst it is possible to use a laptop screen as a monitor it takes a large cash investment and a good understanding of electronics.  If you are lacking in either of these departments don't bother, buy a cheap LCD with VGA connection on eBay instead.
If you really want to know more about using a laptop display on another computer then do a search of the hacks sections with 'holy-grail' as your keyword.  You can also try visiting Earth LCD for more info regarding the required convertor boards.  
Here's one of the best explanations of why using a laptop LCD for a monitor is a difficult project I've seen so far, courtesy of Eudimorphodon:
Laptop displays simply don't speak the same language as CRT monitors, electrically speaking. It requires a complex wad of electronics to turn output meant for a CRT into input suitable for an LCD, and that wad of electronics is referred to as the 'controller'. You won't find a controller you can salvage in your laptop anywhere, because it 'speaks LCD' directly, and thus doesn't need one.
It's not just a matter of pasting wires together, which is what everyone wants to think. Those controllers sell for anywhere from $150 to $300, and for most installations require custom cables and power supplies which may well run you another $150.

I've just added this quote under http://www.applefritter.com/holygrail

Last seen: 20 years 3 hours ago
Joined: Mar 14 2005 - 21:29
Posts: 2
well then...

since it sounds too complicated and expensive ot convert old laptop screens to an extra lcd display, what are possibilites of what i can do with 3 or 4 old 3400c's depending on if the last one still works, adn whaat are sum cool hack ideas. thanx for any input

p.s. (sumthing not too complex, im only in high skool, but redesigning and building cases and crap like that is easy for me, i just don't programing at all, and reconfiguring the electronics of the system other than moving them around to fit in a case.)

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Last seen: 10 years 3 months ago
Joined: Aug 17 2004 - 15:24
Posts: 686
Thinking of something yoursel

Thinking of something yourself is always nice, but if this was me I would try to put it in something alike the mac mini.

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