imac g5 ATX hack ?

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Last seen: 20 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Feb 18 2005 - 05:27
Posts: 1
imac g5 ATX hack ?


I would like to power an iMac G5 1.8GHz motherboard from an AT or ATX supply. Does anyone have any information regarding pinouts or any tech manuals for the iMac ?

Im also looking to use a display other than the flat panel, does anyone know if I can still use the onboard VGA mirroring if the flat panel isnt present ?

Any advice greatfully received

thanks in advance

Last seen: 9 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 70
Vid mirroring

I believe the video mirroring will work, yes.

Last seen: 20 years 3 weeks ago
Joined: Feb 18 2005 - 13:39
Posts: 1
Let me guess...

Let me guess here, you have a functional iMac G5 midplane and you want to make a new computer/device out of it? I think this is a very exciting concept. I got a midplane replacement from Apple, and they didn't want the old one back (!), so I've been contemplating turning it into some server or entertainment appliance. It's a perfectly good midplane except for a slightly noisy fan. I figure I can build a case out of plastics that will fit the midplane perfectly.

Here's my ideas so far...

White polycarb case about 1 or 2U high and just big enough width/depth-wise to fit the midplane, power supply (which apple also doesn't want back), and HD snug.

Power button on the front (w/ LED if possible) wired to power prongs on the board.

In the back, USB, FW, Enet, Vid-out, and power ports wired from the existing ports (that are now on top of the machine) -- not sure how to accomplish this one, but I know these ports have to go on the back of the unit to fit in my component rack and to look neat.

On the back, a good-sized cooling fan to exhaust the heat. On the top of the unit, several small holes drilled into the plastic for ventilation. Or what would be even sweeter is a section of perforated aluminum (like the G5 tower has) set flush, instead of just holes.

Keyspan USB remote connected to one of the USB ports on the back, to control the whole thing from my couch.

This would be the ultimate digital hub device for my living room!!! Anyone else have any ideas they want to throw in, or hints on how I can accomplish my goal?

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