Getting a new job

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Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Dec 26 2003 - 16:21
Posts: 584
Getting a new job

...and just had to tell someone about it. Smile

Well a few weeks ago, just before I 'closed the doors' on my in-home workshop, I applied for a soon-to-be available position at the(only) MAC1 AppleCentre in my area. About a week ago I received a call from Daniel, the service manager, asking me to go in for an interview, which took place last Monday.
Well- he was apparently quite surprised to come across my Apple-supplied certificates, and even more so that I had been running a successful(I hadn't mentioned that it was near-death;)) home computer repair business- I was told that I was the only qualified person who had applied for the job out of about 30 people. Several questions and about an hour later, he called the store manager into the room, who asked a few questions himself(mainly about my experience with admin work etc), and got the service manager to pop in a few random questions about the Apple product line(example: what sort of RAM does a Power Mac G4 take? The correct answer: which particular model?), and to sum up the rest- I'm now waiting for a call to organise my working hours as Assistant Technician.

Well I for one am thrilled about this. I was on the verge of enquiring at Tandy or Domayne about a position as a salesperson(urgh).

Yay. Biggrin

coius's picture
Last seen: 10 years 12 months ago
Joined: Aug 25 2004 - 13:56
Posts: 1975

You have a position that I would love to have! Good luck!

Last seen: 11 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 70

Good luck AND good skill! You'll have a successful run at your new job and it will open more doors to additional opportunities as well.

tony b.

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