Broken LCD iMac!!! help!!!

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Last seen: 20 years 1 month ago
Joined: Feb 4 2005 - 03:58
Posts: 1
Broken LCD iMac!!! help!!!

hi all, i've got an lcd imac here that they were throwing out at my job. when i turn it on, the screen just displays lines of various colors that change in color and brightness. at first i thought it would be a motherboard issue, since the screen itself seems to be ok, but then i realized that the OS was functioning (or at least the bios) because an f12 strike on the keyboard will open the cd rom drive, and it will sleep and the screen will go black if left alone for awhile. any thoughts on what i can do here? is there anywhere i could get a replacement motherboard? maybe the onboard graphics died. any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! oh, and if it is toast, is there any way i could hook the screen up to something else? or is it a custom connector like in laptops that won't work on any non imac mobo? thanks!

Last seen: 19 years 1 month ago
Joined: Jan 23 2005 - 20:28
Posts: 159
probably a mobo isue

its probably a mobo issue. new mobos from apple are maybe 100-300$(just a guess). check around the insides of it and see it there is a vga plug to plug an external monitor into.

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Dec 26 2003 - 16:21
Posts: 584

There's no standard monitor plug inside an iMac G4, but IIRC there is an external display adapter available for all models, you should look into that to determine that it isn't a motherboard problem.

Barry's picture
Last seen: 16 years 2 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 177
They make an adapter. It's p

They make an adapter. It's probably the video cable that goes up thru the neck. I've seen that happen a few times now.

And hey if it is the mobo, you have the makings of a really cool looking clock!!

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