imac 800 17"FP overclock & cooling quest

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Last seen: 19 years 9 months ago
Joined: May 29 2004 - 00:50
Posts: 20
imac 800 17"FP overclock & cooling quest

hey all, i have been itching for a bit more speed of late, but i am unemployed and in school again. therefore, small cash on hand. i have a working ti-book 400 which i overclocked to 500 based on the voelker research site instructions. this is my back-up machne, so if the worst happens i still have a mac.

so anyway, here is my insane idea:
after a week or so of research i have looked at the limited info on the web regarding imac 800 overclocking. haven't found any info on FSB changes, which i am most interested in, but i have found info on some japanese site about hot rodding the multiplier for processor speed. i think it will be ok at 900 mhz from what i've read, but i'd like to go to 10x (1 ghz) and this will require cooling.

anyone familiar with the guts of the imac to suggest how i should vent and cool it? i thought of making a few fan holes in the dome. i also got one of those dumb 6-pack mini-fridges free at office max and thought of making a cooling canister out of it for the imac to sit on and draw cold air from. any suggestions, ideas, advise on the above or on FSB hacks...? thanks in advance and sorry for the long read.

Last seen: 18 years 5 months ago
Joined: Dec 26 2003 - 16:21
Posts: 584
Overclocking the Coolest Apple Computer Yet Made

The inside of the dome is designed in such a way that the top-mounted fan with all the current vents is the only way to cool it. You can't cut more holes in it; the inside of the dome is mostly covered in a big, round slab of metal. You could theoretically just add a faster fan.

But really, you shouldn't overclock that. Just sell it and buy something faster. Someone else will appreciate it more just as it is, and anyway, 1GHz instead of 800MHz with everything else the same is certainly not going to be faster.

Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 279
Adjusting the FSB really isnt

Adjusting the FSB really isnt an option. You run into timebase issues and such. The last reliably adjustable FSB speed was on the beige G3's. Going to 1Ghz will give a speed boost, both whether it will run at that speed regardless of cooling is another question.

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