Looking for a barebones Power Mac...

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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 30 2004 - 11:48
Posts: 112
Looking for a barebones Power Mac...

I am in the market for a B&W Power Mac G3 (preferably Rev. 2) or a Power Mac G4 (preferably a Yikes!). I don't need any RAM, a HD, an optical drive, a video card or even a ZIF processor. All I really need is a case with a working logic board, a working power supply and all heatsinks and other small parts that I didn't mention. Can anyone help me out? Let me know.


Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: Aug 9 2004 - 19:39
Posts: 31
Dan, I have a B&W 350 (rev


I have a B&W 350 (rev.2) that I'm not using anymore. I'll keep the RAM, HD's and Zip drive and bezel and you can have the processor and crappy ATI VRPRO video card Wink

I'd like to get $100 for it, but make me an offer.
Shipping would be on you from Michigan.

Dave McGuire

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Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 30 2004 - 11:48
Posts: 112
B&W 350


dsharits's picture
Last seen: 5 years 5 months ago
Joined: May 30 2004 - 11:48
Posts: 112
B&W 350

It looks like there's no PM inbox temporarily, so I'll rewrite my PM here. I have an original AirPort card (802.11b) that I can throw in if it will lower the price any. You could resell it for around $100 if you don't need it. Anyway, think about it, and you can reply to me at bucsnbolts (at) gmail (dot) com. Thanks!


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