Keyboards | cdroms | apple][es | PSUs | cables | adapters | and much more!

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Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago
Joined: Nov 9 2004 - 21:12
Posts: 25
Keyboards | cdroms | apple][es | PSUs | cables | adapters | and much more!

-"bad" condition ADB keyboards $1ea + S&H
-"good" condition ADB keyboards $3ea + S&H
-IR wireless keyboard (usb) with built in pointer - $18 + S&H
-ADB mice - $2ea + S&H
-Logitech wireless usb game controller - $10 + S&H

-2/4x scsi cdroms - $2ea + S&H
-24x ata cdrom - $9 + S&H
-assorted internal pc tape drives - $3ea + S&H

Apple ][e s:
- (8x) Apple ][e units, minor marking, some marker, etc - $11 ea + S&H
-Laserwriter with cable for above machines - $5 + S&H(heavy!)
-external 5.25" floppy drives for above machines - $2 ea + S&H

-7200 PSUs - $3 ea + S&H
-73/5/600 PSUs - $4 ea + S&H
-6100 PSUs - $2.50 ea + S&H

-HDI-45 to DB-15 adapter - $5
-internal scsi and ata cables - free with any other purchase or $1 ea + S&H
-dlink parallel print server - $18 + S&H

-bellstor external scsi case - $10 + S&H
-untested 61xx upgrade, G3, sonnet - $20 + S&H
-datability terminal server I think? vcp300plus/csx3200 - make offer
-personal laserwriter, untested, heavy - $5 + S&H
-pci mac cpu cards untested, unknown speeds, 4x, $10 + S&H for all or $3 ea + S&H

All items with "ea" indicate there are more than one. Shipping can be combined. I ship UPS from 15139. Add one dollar if you calculate shipping USPS (i have ups pickup, *much* easier for me)

Items I am interested in for trades (not to buy, trade only):
-"icekey" usb keyboard
-shure e2c earbuds
-amazon gift certificate for $40/$50 (left over holiday cash?)
-beige g3 dt 256mb ram

Thanks for looking. I prefer email for questions over PM, but posts work too.


Last seen: 17 years 9 months ago
Joined: Nov 9 2004 - 21:12
Posts: 25

I have found all of my want to trade items, but have more now. I am looking for:
17 or 19" *bright* crt. My applevision is getting rather dark and I can't get it any brighter. I am also looking for a wireless access point.

the game controller, ir keyboard, and print server are gone.


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