What happened with that Satellite tracking screensaver?

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catmistake's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
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What happened with that Satellite tracking screensaver?

I remember when the new PowerMac G5 was revealed at the Expo (in SF?) last year, they showcased some really cool satellite tracking software (which I'd have no use for).

But what I was interested in was the screen saver that they promised would be available that used the same technology... I haven't heard anything since, and I can't remember what it was called...

Does anyone know anything?

Last seen: 18 years 3 months ago
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A Keyword Search on Google

Turns up this from a mac forum... A java applet that's pretty cool.
Then there's some software for tracking stuff in space. (Found from the same macrumors.com forum)

[Edit]That java applet is really cool. Compare the relative altitudes of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and the Hubble Telescope. ~120,000km to ~600km respectively. Then there's that whole mess of stuff orbiting at ~35,000km. Amazing stuff.

[Edit Again]Turn the timing to 1000X and watch the satellites dance. Above all the economic powers US, Europe,Russia etc. you can see satellites line up to cover the same area during different times, then go their seperate ways as they follow their orbits.

Krest's picture
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The app is called Orbit and t

The app is called Orbit and the company (one man afaik) is called Advanced Analytic Systems Design (just watched the keynote), but I never heard anything about that either... looked nice.

"There will be a freeware screensaver called "Free Fall" avaliable soon at or website and apple.com."

Where is it?


catmistake's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1100
THANKS... I did find something


but this is a demo of something, not a freeware screen saver... still

Krest's picture
Last seen: 16 years 3 months ago
Joined: Sep 29 2004 - 12:39
Posts: 96
...but it's the right app.

...but it's the right app.

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