I have this hard drive that came out of a windows pc. it has unbielevable important stuff on it that i need to save. it wont boot, so i tried popping it in my mac to see if i could back it up any way i could. it comes up saying its failing the SMART tests, and i realy just want to back this whole drive yp, but it wont let me make an image of it. I desperatly need help here.HELP ME, ive been up for hours!
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Your drive is most likely toast. I recommend you get it to a data recovery company.
I've heard that if you have a hard drive that is dying, under some circumstances you can coax it into working a little longer by putting it in a ziplock bag and popping it in the freezer for an hour. If it works you won't have a long time so get your data quickly. you can read about it here.
I have personally never done this, but doesn't hurt to give it a shot.
thamks every one! fortunatly after staying up till 6 this mornin i got it to mount (i dont realy know hotw but i did!) so im backing everything up now. :coolmac: :mac: :mac: :mac: