Networking problems...

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doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 1 week 19 hours ago
Joined: Apr 14 2004 - 17:52
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Networking problems...

I need help and I just do not understand the scripted answers given by my ISP...

I have an Earthlink DSL. I have the option of setting it in 'bridge mode' or not.

Connected directly to that I have a 10BaseT router (fastest thing I have for free).

Connected to that I have several computers and an Airport Base Station. All connected computers and the airport have hardcoded IP addresses based on the IP of the DSL.

All computers connected via the Airport are assigned IP addresses every 7 days via DHCP and are within a range of IP addresses based on the DSL's IP, but excluding the hardcoded IP addressses.

The network is good and any one computer can identify all others on the network.

Problem: I need to connect all of these computers to the net, sometimes at least two computers concurrently. Earthlink is trying to push me to sign up for their 'home networking package'. My presumption is that I have everything I need already (except the knowledge, obviously) to make this happen already.

Hat must I do to have all of the computers share a single internet connection given my current setup.


Dr. Webster's picture
Last seen: 2 hours 21 min ago
Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 17:34
Posts: 1762
Sounds like you have some wac

Sounds like you have some wackiness when it comes to IP addresses. Here's what you need to do:

1. Connect the router to the DSL modem and have the router distribute IP addresses via DHCP. To test that everything is working fine, connect two computers via Ethernet to the router and see if both can surf. You may need to set the router to receive its IP address from the DSL modem dynamically.

2. Turn off DHCP on the Airport base station, leaving it as just an access point. The router you have will distribute IP addresses through it.

3. Set all computers to receive their IP addresses via DHCP. You should not have to enter any numbers manually into the client machines--that's what DHCP is for.

eeun's picture
Last seen: 1 year 11 months ago
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Re: Networking problems...

I have the option of setting it in 'bridge mode' or not.

You've already got a router between the DSL modem and your network, so bridge mode on the DSL modem will pass traffic unimpeded to the router.

Can you clarify...all your computers see each other through Appletalk...but not all can access the 'net?
If that's the case, then I'd recommend experimenting with your router acting as a DHCP server as suggested. Also check that your Airport base station is not duplicating DHCP services, and turn off any base station firewall/nat routing. You've got a router, so the base station can just act as an access point. (oops...Dr. Webster already covered this )

Earthlink is trying to push me to sign up for their 'home networking package'. My presumption is that I have everything I need already (except the knowledge, obviously) to make this happen already.

Yup. I did just a quick search, and it looks like Earthlink is trying to soak more money out of customers by making them pay more for the networking package. It seems they won't offer any future tech support for home networks unless you pay more.
But if your router is set up, Earthlink should only ever see one device accessing the net.

But all this is coming from someone who spent months on and off trying to get Freesco up and running, so my networking knowledge is limited to my own maddening battles. Your Networking May Vary.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 1 week 19 hours ago
Joined: Apr 14 2004 - 17:52
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1. Router is already connected to the DSL. Got it second hand in a swap meet and do not know how/if I can set it to distribute addresses via DHCP. I will have to see if I can track down some doc on that one...


doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 1 week 19 hours ago
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Posts: 1410
Clarification: Yes, all compu

Clarification: Yes, all computers networked via the router and/or airport base can see each other through AppleTalk, but only one at a time can access the 'net.

[1]Set the DSL to bridge mode. - Note that this is a UHP ADSL, and doing so means that DHCP/NAT/PPoE are then disabled from this device.
[2]Figure out how to change the config on the router and set it to assign IP addresses via DHCP.
[3]Disable DHCP assignmet from the airport. - May need some help on this part of it since I was left confused by the plethora of options in the config panel...

Thanks Dr. Webster and eeun, I will be back later on this one to post an update.


doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 1 week 19 hours ago
Joined: Apr 14 2004 - 17:52
Posts: 1410
Conclusion and thanks...

I was absolutely unable to get into any kind of config mode on the router, nor could I find any doc. So I improvised based on what you have told me.

I switched the uplinks such that the Airport uplinks directly to the DSl and the router uplinks to the Airport. After resetting things a couple dozen times, I finally got the right combo and now have the ability to hard wire at least 8 Macs and Airport in a shit-pile more.

Thanks for the help and insight, this has solved a serious linkage problem and restores my wife's connectivity as well (translation - less dog-house time Smile ) .


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