set thetext to "Hi, would you like to surf the net?"
display dialog thetext buttons {"NO!", "Indeed I would"}
if the button returned of the result is "NO!" then
set thetext to "Ok, so you won't surf the net. Do you want to write?"
display dialog thetext buttons {"i kan't spel", "Yes"}
end if
if the button returned of the result is "Indeed I would" then
tell application "Safari" to activate
end if
How do I get it so the last bit responds to the first bit instead of the second bit? Please help me!
set thetext to "Hi, would you like to surf the net?"
display dialog thetext buttons {"NO!", "Indeed I would"}
if the button returned of the result is "NO!" then
set thetext to "Ok, so you won’t surf the net. Do you want to write?"
display dialog thetext buttons {"i kan’t spel", "Yes"}
else if the button returned of the result is "Indeed I would" then
tell application "Safari" to activate
end if