a while back a started a , then small, task of moding my imacg4. i wanted to disconnect the screen from its arm and locate it elsewhere. my original plan was to hang it from the ceiling so that it was hovering over my desk in front of me. i know alot of people are going to immedietly respond with "what where you thinking" but im past that as i have already started. the question i have is that i re-connected the display (after carefull soldering 30 wires twice - each end), and the colors are all off. i have double cheked the connections and i found two to be broken, however when i held them together with my hands just for testing, it didnt fix the problem. i was wondering how important wire gauge and length are to the digital signal that the screen uses? could wires thicker than the originals cause a color shift like this? i have ot ruled out the possibility that i missed a week solder link and it was all just a loose connection, but i would like to know more before i attack it again.
has anyone done this to there imac? its my most powerful computer and its funny that it is in my closet right now because i haven't the time to solder 60 connections again. all i have left is a pentium3 motherboard sitting in a shelf with necesary drives and power supply connected and sitting next to it (no case), running freebsd . :ebc:
imac g4 display attack
November 7, 2004 - 9:10pm
imac g4 display attack
sorry i just saw the hardware hacks section, this means this is in the wrong section.