Like many Lombard, mine has this "cache memory failure" problem.
Instead of looking for a Lombard CPU card, which are not really easy to find, would it be possible to use a Wallstreet CPU card, 266, 233..., which are more easy to find because of upgrades...
Would it be recognized?
wallstreet CPU card on a Lombard???
October 28, 2004 - 9:08am
wallstreet CPU card on a Lombard???
Off the top of my head I cant recall what the lombard cpu slot looks like. I know the pismo is a very different slot then the wallstreet. The pismo uses a slot like sawtooth G4's, and the wallstreet uses one similar to an early iMac, only one socket instead of two. If there is one on eBay, what does the slot look like? Is it a skinny longish one, or a fat one? Of course, thats just to see if it would plug in, which isnt even looking at any ROM differences (assuming the boot ROM is stored on the cpu card itself)
Believe me, it won't work. Even if the Wallstreet CPU fits in the slot (which, IIRC, it doesn't). Your best bet is a Lombard Accelarator Card froma 3rd party.
In my mind, its really a question of money. Unless you're really attached to the machine, you would be better of selling it for parts on eBay, and then going and buying a newer machine. For the kind of money you would spend on a upgrade card from a third party manufacturer, I am not sure it would be really be worth it.
As $269.00 is pretty close to what a working Lombard would run you these days, I wouldn't recommend going the upgrade route. Save your $300 bucks, part the lombard out and hope to make some decent money off of it, and grab yourself a used ibook. If you're super attached to the design of the lombard and don't need a huge power increase, get a pismo instead. Thats my advice anyway.
none of the G3 'Books share a processor card design.
I'd look for a cheap used Lombard processor, just ensure the seller will warrant that it works.
Hey, can you turn off the L2 using a 3rd party control panel? I've been wondering if that might be a viable temporary solution for those with your problem. I haven't a dead-cache Lombard, so can't try it myself.
dan k
It works for my TiPB with a bad L2. However it is unbarably slow.
You could always run NetBSD on it. Without a GUI and with slimmer apps, you can get a lot of work out of a machine without L2.
Just a thought.
For $85.00 US, DayStar will replace the L2 Cache. Shipping is extra, but it might be worth it if that's all you need done.
It's on thier website under service options I believe.