I'm looking for some expertise on problems I'm having accessing the Applefritter website.
The problem is, I can't. Not from home, at least. From work, it's no problem.
From home, I can ping www.applefritter.com and get a response, but can't load the site.
I've been using my Linux router, and changed the MTU in case that was the problem. Nope.
I've used ClampMSS so the router will convert the Intranet MTU of 1500 to 1492 needed for PPPoE. Nope.
I've gone back to the x486 version of the router, I've gone back to my Linksys router.
I've tried from five different computers. No luck.
It's not just Applefritter. I can't get on www.lileks.com either.
I've also tried accessing the site by IP# instead of www.
I can access Applefritter if I use an anonymous proxy, so the problem seems to be more where I'm coming from than where I'm going.
It's not my specific IP, because my router(s) use a dynamic IP for Sympatico access.
My only theory is some ISPs have blocked traffic from Sympatico - possibly due to spamming originating from a Sympatico account. I've read before some ISPs will take a zero tolerence policy with other ISPs and just lock them out for x amount of time. But I have no way of verifying that.
Theories and ideas are welcome...
I'm betting that the ISP blocked it too. My ISP blocks email coming from hotmail and Yahoo. Boy, is that frustrating... Especially since my friends use those. So I just go to the local coffee shop and get the email from there. BTW I can't even get to the Yahoo email and Hotmail sites. Which suck because I have to use a not-so-common provider and get toooonnns of junk mail. (I'm too cheap to get a .mac account, mainly because I think the only thing I would use is the email part, and $99 USD is too much to pay for an email account)
Do you need/want a gmail account? 'cuz I've got about 6 invites.
for a gmail account. I don't have much money.
It's quite expensive, for 1GB of space they charge $0.00, which IMHO is a bit steep