about 3 months old PowerBook G4 15" for sale.
completely clean, no scratches etc.
15.2-inch TFT Display
1280x854 resolution
1.5GHz PowerPC G4
512K L2 cache
80GB Ultra ATA/100
ATI Mobility Radeon
9700 (64MB DDR)
Backlit keyboard
Gigabit Ethernet
FireWire 400 & 800
AirPort Extreme built-in
DVI & S-Video out
Warranty comes with it, boxes and everything.
$900 total.
Why are you selling this PowerBook G4?
Thank you,
got a new computer
I am in the process of selling my Win Xp Laptop and switching to a Mac. This PowerBook is just what I'm looking for! Could you e-mail pics and details? hondaman440@yahoo.com Thanx in advance!
This computer has been purchased. Thank you come again
$900 for a 3-month-old 15" AlBook? Something smells fishy...
I asked the seller for a serial number to verify the warranty status. I called 1-800-APL-CARE and asked about the serial number. Apple verified there was roughly 1 year of warranty left :). I also tried to verify the specs of the computer.
According to Apple, the specs listed above are completely wrong :o. Apple has the computer on file as a 1GHz iBook. The seller never replied to my email asking why there was such a difference.
Uh, I just bought this thing! :o The seller contacted me alot before taking payment, but now i cant get ahold of him! I did aim him and he responed that he got my payment but didnt aknowledge that it was shipped. Please e-mail back Fred!
Considering the price is a bargain, the specs don't match what Apple claims, and two people seem to think they've bought this computer, now would probably be a very good time to contact PayPal, show them this thread, and get them to freeze the account.
I called PayPal and filed a claim, if the seller dosen't respond in 10 days they will reimburse me from his account. My credit card company (MC) and my local issuing bank were closed for the day, but I will call them tomorrow. nI would highly suggest anyone else defrauded by thsi guy do the same. In the meantime, anyone who contacted this person, please PM me (or email, macman2625@hotmail.com) with any info he gave you at all, including email addresses and AIM names. Thank you.
Are we dealing with a copycat? An honest mistake? Or another piece of internet rectum?
I personally wouldn't depend upon someone's promise of sending something. Especially something over $200, from a forum, and from someone I don't know.
I hope ya'll resolve this problem...
Sure seems like it.
Remember, kids, if something seems too good to be true, IT IS! $900 for a 3-month-old 15" AlBook? Apple doesn't sell these for less than $1500 refurbished. Common sense and a little bit of skepticism will keep you from having to call PayPal.
It is always best to deal with the names you recognize on this forum vice the folks that just suddenly appeared five minutes before their post.
I started out by participating in posts and then bought a few things from a few folks that I felt comfortable with. And with the free eMates I passed out (and that offer did sound too good to be true, but I came through on it), I established a little bit of a good reputation.
I keep a list of users on my AF profile bio with whom I have dealt with and would be happy to deal with again, and I invite anyone who deals with me to contact those users for feedback.
For big ticket items, use something with a safety net, like PayPal, unless you have dealt with that user before and they have earned your trust.
Though in general I don't like the use of post counts, as we saw in the old Applefritter how (a small few) people would barf out useless posts just to raise their count, but in this instance, it would be useful to help determine what amount of credibility a seller in this board may have.
...or maybe list 'member since...xxxx' in posts or user profiles.
...or maybe just ask around before forking out the dosh, though who do you ask out of all the members here?
Who do you ask? I felt that the only way to promote confidence in this area is to publish the names of folks I have dealt with. That's why I list folks I have dealt with in my bio on my profile. The hope is that it spreads confidence about them, and encourages people to check with them on their dealings with me.
Short of that, one could ask the moderators, but the answer would always be based on a lack of negative feedback and/or the moderator's personal experience.
Perhaps a waiting period of several months before a new forum member can post anything in the buy/sell/trade section of Applefritter. Don't exactly know if that could be done. It might act as a deterrent towards such behavior here.
What happened with this? I did not send any money...it looked to good to be true. Only after I passed on buying it did this thread kick in. People were commenting how they couldn't get in touch with this guy, so I sent him a message saying I changed my mind and was ready to send him the money via pay pal or money order as early as the next day. I as hoping to draw him out and get some more details for those folks that were interested. Unfortunately, he never did get back to me. Anyone have an update on whats been going on with this?
payPal refunded all but ~$20 of my money. I have learned to not buy from anyonme with an unverified account, no matter what. The issue has been resolved for me. As I understand it, someone else was screwed too?
I have a 1 month old 15" 1.5ghz powerbook for sale. Anyone interested?
I'll give ya $900
(I got my money back I can have a humor about it
Not everyone with an unverified account is bad. I recently set up my account on PayPal and opted not to tie my bank account into it, resulting in my account being unverified. While it may be a good measure, relying on feedback from others and simply monitoring post of users, you can form a good idea of a user and estimate the risk involved. There are some folks here I would not hesitate to deal with but only because I have monitored their postings and done some digging. Anyone who posts stuff for sale minutes after obtaining a userid is always suspicious as was this guy.
It's good to see you got most of your mony back, but PayPal still made $20.00 on the deal and will not do anything to change their policies because of it. I will not PayPal because of that, or Ebay for anything more than $20.00.
I never send anyone I don't know more money than I can afford to loose and that has always worked for me. Actually, the Post Office has screwed me far worse than buying from anyone online by destroying valuable equipment.
I also insist on a phone nuimber and speaking to the person if the deal is more than I can affor to throw away.
And as was said......If it's too good to be true it usually is. That old saying seems to be written for the net.....
Hmm...$900 isn't so bad for a G4 iBook on the other hand...
(if he did ship it :P)
Email for a secure transaction...I will consider the purchase but I have verify several things for authenticity first. My email is my user id @ yahoo. I HAVE A VERIFIED PAYPAL. (WANT TO VERIFY THE LAPTOP IS YOURS FIRST).
Have you even bothered to read the thread? It's a year and a half old, it's way beyond stale...
Jon, this ain't just stale, its...

A Zombie Thread.
Let's retire this pre-moderation thread for good.