When does one get feelings??

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martakz's picture
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When does one get feelings??

Just out of interest...

Roughly, at what age does one get "feelings" for the opposite sex? (If they are hetro of cause)

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Re: When does one get feelings??

Just out of interest...

Roughly, at what age does one get "feelings" for the opposite sex? (If they are hetro of cause)

Why if they are "hetero"? (Of course). Me, I'm an old fart so I got "feelings" for the opposite sex when Marilyn Monore sang Happy Birthday to JFK on TV. Feelings are feelings. Like seti it depends more on the listener than the sender.

martakz's picture
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Because if they are getting f

Because if they are getting feelings for the oppostite sex then they are most likly not gay, either bi or hetro and statistically more likly to be hetro.

Either that, or another predudice which I try to eradicate / remove has slipped through my guard... >:(

Anyway, does one ever loose these urges when they are older?

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Re: When does one get feelings??

Feelings are feelings. Like seti it depends more on the listener than the sender.

ahahaha, I am gona remember that, good saying Wink

as for feelings... There are to many factors to guage to accurately judge that. But a ruff guestimation would be junior high.

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I really varies from person

It really varies from person to person. I did not hit puberty until I was nearly 16 and did not have any kind of a sex drive until I was 21. This kind of sucked as I had no interest in girls in high school and my first year in college, which now means I have basically no social skills. The good thing was before I was 21 I only had to shave only once a week, but now matter hard I try it always looks like I need to shave.

It is interesting that you mention heterosexuality because everyone used to think that I was homosexual because I had no interest in girls. Which is clearly not the case. I can't count the nubmer of walls or trees that I have walked into by not watching where I am going and lookng at girls instead. So don't worry if you don't have much of an interest in girls right now, it does mean that you are gay.

Reverend Darkness's picture
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at birth...

You first develop feelings for the opposite sex by making a post-partem bond with your mother....


But by "feelings", I'm guessing that you mean emotional and sexual feelings. So I'll say... uh... 12... that's when it should happen.. otherwise yer jess a faig... *



Seriously, though, if you have not yet developed feelings for the opposite sex, and you are over the age of 15, then you may want to just keep your mind open.


*My comment was made in total jest. I have no ill will towards all you homo's that are gonna take offense to what I said, what with y'all bein' the butt-pirates you are... I was just makin' fun...


alk's picture
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Re: at birth...

*My comment was made in total jest.

I imagine that _all_ of your post is in jest... Using such language can cause quite a lot of pain, even if you are only joking. But then I guess you goth types are used to that, what with all the devil worshipping and all... Wink


Just something to keep in mind.


Reverend Darkness's picture
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Goth Types?

But then I guess you goth types are used to that, what with all the devil worshipping and all… ;)

Yeah, well... uh... 'scuse me... I gotta sacrifical goat and if you don't get the blood in the fridge quick, it goes off... ain't nothing worse that spoiled goat blood on your Wheaties...

Seriously, though, I do understand the severity and seriousness involved with martakz's post, which is the exact reason that I was trying to inject a little senseless humor... senseless as in "That boy ain't got no sense..." C'mon, admit it... you thought it was funny... I don't care who ya are, that right there's funny...

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Re: When does one get feelings??

Roughly, at what age does one get "feelings" for the opposite sex?

I first started finding girls interesting to look at around age 12, but as far as sexual desire, I'd say that didn't really kick in until probably age 14.

doug-doug the mighty's picture
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*My comment was made in total jest. I have no ill will towards all you homo’s that are gonna take offense to what I said, what with y’all bein’ the butt-pirates you are… I was just makin’ fun…


I LOVE IT!!! Acute Acute Acute Acute Acute Acute

eeun's picture
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It happens...

...when it happens.

Really, a person is such a complicated bundle of different and often conflicting emotions, interests, desires, fears and distractions, that I wouldn't credit anyone who can say when you, personally, should be jonesin' for some jiggy-jiggy.

Best we can do is say when it happened for -us-, and in my case I don't remember. My interests involved from platonic crushes, to the messy stuff, to serious committments that go into the sublime.

The only advice I'll offer is DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT. The more you fixate on it, the more you'll try to convince yourself that something's wrong when there in fact, isn't.

To quote Dune: "Fear is the mind killer." Wink

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In my opinion, for just as long as you don't develop feelings for people of the same sex, you're still probably going to start being attracted to the opposite sex; it doesn't matter how long it takes, as long as you're not old and wrinkly by the time you work it out. But then, hey, I used to tell myself that, and look how I turned out. Wink

LTong's picture
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The feelings will come natura

The feelings will come naturally. I won't describe the exact feelings, because there different for specific people, and I wouldn't want anyone waiting for my specific description. You can be sure it will happen, but nobody can tell you exactly when. Hang in there. And when you do start to have those feelings, my advice would be to just have fun throughout your school years, whether it's with the opposite sex or without.

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honestly... I didn't even st

honestly... I didn't even start liking to kiss until I was maybe 16.

I flirted and sort of dated because I think it was socially expected... otherwise, I just liked boys as friends until my late teens...

Also, I didn't start liking sex much until I was about 21... and I still have never orgasmed and don't find it all that intense at 27.

Some of us are just late bloomers. Don't think about it too hard.

Jon's picture
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I hear tell that many women d

I hear tell that many women don't hit their peak until their 30's. You've got at least 13 years to go... Wink

Maybe it's a good thing I was a late bloomer, and my wife was an early-bloomer. Our drives kinda meshed well. I had a passing interest in girls for years, I didn't get any serious drive until maybe 17 or so. Then, I got lust going about 19. I was maybe 5 years behind the curve. My wife, only 6 months younger than me ran about the same cycle. Not too unusual for women, but she seems to have forshortened the rise to peak.

The Czar's picture
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It All Comes In Good Time

Echoing what I've heard so far...

It all comes in good time. The more you pressure yourself into fitting into a pre-defined mould, the more you're going to worry about it. The biggest piece of advice I can give is to *be yourself*. Listen to what your heart is telling you, listen to what your body is trying to say, cause those two components know the *best*.

I know what it's like to be labeled a homosexual unjustified. From about the time I entered grade 7 (12 years old - or so) I have quite enjoyed the music of Celine Dion (both English and French), but I have never found her *attractive*. I didn't really have an interest in females until about 16 or 17 to be quite honest. Everyone thought that I "didn't swing quite right". Let me just say this, when you find your calling, you will know it, and when you find the *one* for you, you will groove with her/him better than you ever imagined. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and as long as you stay true to yourself, you've got nothing to be ashamed of.

NB: There is nothing *wrong* with being homosexual. Any indications that I took being called homosexual as an insult are not intentional. It is just confusing to be labeled something that you know in your heart to be wrong.

The Czar

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Well of course, if one were not a homosexual, and was called one by someone meaning to offend said person... THAT would be taken as an insult, not the idea of actually being one. It really would just depend on how the implications were intended...

Just a bit o' random crap. Smile

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If you're Japanese and someon

If you're Japanese and someone calls you a Dirty Korean, you'd be kinda mad. Wink Not that there's anything wrong with being Korean to most of us. But the Japanese tend to look down on them as a matter of culture which is still changing.

The above is true as written, and if you sub in "strait" for Japanese and "homosexual" for Korean, it still rings rather true...

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