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Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
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Thanks to tmtomh's and eeun's inspiration . . . :ebc: I turned Dozuki-Noko and Ryoba loose on my Quadra 700 yesterday.


What's the best solvent weld type cement for ABS?

The 7100 tuschie-graft is just sitting loose in there for now. After I make up an appropriate new info tag, rip a few trim strips and reinforcement parts to weld over the rest of the seams, it should look pretty good.

Hey, eeun, what's the wire-snip mod you mentioned for using the Quadra's FDD? I tried the 7100's speaker because the 700's sounded tinny when I moved the contact over and tried it. I ended up going right back to the 700's speaker, it sounds a LOT better than the 7100's, impedence mis-match and all! How do you like that Dozuki? Your digital cammie hack looks awesome!

jt Wink

Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
ABS in a hot glue gun?

. . . just had a strange notion. :ebc:

I wonder if melting MacPlastics into mini glue gun rod would make for a serviceable case welder/filler? Anybody tried it yet?

jt :?

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solvent welder - ProWeld works for me!

I've had great success using Ambroid's ProWeld. As with all solvent type assembly, success generally depends on having a pretty close fit between parts.

Interesting idea having an ABS hot glue stick. Never seen nor heard of such a beast but that don't mean much. At what temp does ABS melt? What temp does a "regular" hotmelt gun use? Can ABS be re-melted and re-used? What other existing hot melt products might be somewhat close in type to ABS? Would melted ABS bond to solid ABS?

Should one want to try melting some ABS down, I'm sure it wouldn't be any trick to find scrap, it's used in an enormous variety of consumer products. Heck, there's probably an injection molding plant around here, wonder what might be in their dumpsters? Biggrin

dan k

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The white wood glue sticks fr

The white wood glue sticks from Arrow work really well. It's tougher than the type meant for "crafts". :ebc:

ABS is thermoplastic... but the temperature specs I could find are a lot higher than hot glue. Hot Glue guns run at about 380º, the one mini-gun I found a temp. for was 330º, the low-temp. stuff at 250º

The idea I had... use one of those home brew hot-air soldering guns that use a desoldering iron and an aquarium pump... grind or shred the ABS and melt the stuff together in place. Dirol

Last seen: 18 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 447
Cyanide gas . . .

. . . would be the VERY DANGEROUS outgassing byproduct of this hack technique . . . i.e. only attempt it in a WELL ventilated area (and still set up a fan to blow it away!)

Google "Crazy Glue" and/or cyanoacrylate (sp?) along with filler + patch and see if it comes up with an additive like "baking soda" or some such. Lil' bro (the M.E.) says there's a good, sandable patch material comonly used for themoplastics to be made using that method.

Making up a slurry of ABS chips or sawdust and the proper solvent is the other approach to explore.

It seems molten ABS won't bond to itself well even inside the injection mold. The "weld" created when flowlines meet during production inside badly designed tooling is THE weak joint of any molded part affilcted with one.

jt Biggrin

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