Forgive me if this is available and I just have not found it, but it would be nice to have a member listing. Something that would allow us to look up a user and access the information they have indicated is public for their profile. That may help us also better learn about the members in this group and even do a little reserach on folks we have questions about (i.e. the discussion in which RavenDarkness and Reverend Darkness were confused as being the same person - grant it one can always misrepresent their location and other info, but it would be nice to have a central portal to access membership. right now the only way I know to det info on a person is to search the forums for a post they have made and then click on their name to go to their public info.
Just a though on helping us better know who all is here. Nothing fancy yet, but the potential exists to cross-reference users by public info like location, machines owned, or maybe even feed back on the user. With the growing amount of deception in blind trade situations, smaller groups like ours are more prone to honest users being victimized on the Trade pages. Just a thought.
I'm beginning to think we are just going to have to ban the entire state of Michigan to stop this annoying guy.
Darkness has been invoked... muwahahaHAHAHAHAH!!!!!
I shall track down this festering sack of ferret droppings and procede to mete out the appropriate justice... also known as:
BEEYITCH© copywrite 2003-2004 Dave Chappel
A search for the member's name will usually bring up his profile as the first link. There is a member-listing module I could probably install, though...
A listing is always helpful when one doesn't quite remember a persons name or how it might be spelled. I suffer quite alot from the CRS (Can't Remember S... er, Stuff) syndrome where I can think of what I need to know, but not specifics. Kinda like the idea in "Conspiracy Theory" when Mel Gibson talks about only knowign song lyrics if the music is playing... I know a persons ID when I see it, but I probably won't remember it out of context, ie trying to search for info on that person w/o their name in print.
didnt we have a memberlist here at one point?
I rememeber the one in YaBB, but not one on Drupal.
Just tried reinstalling it and it doesn't work with the latest drupal. (I have a suspicion this is why I uninstalled it...)
Is there any way to see when a given member first joined? Once I do find a member's info, I cannot see how long they have been around. I am more inclined to trust a member (in business dealings and advice) whom I can see has been here for years vice hours.
yeah, you almost wish you could do something like eBay's feedback. Or how Slashdot has their member numbers in additions to names. You know that the people with low numbers (<10,000) have been there forever.