I'm building an audio amplifier for my computer system and I was thinking of paints. I've been out of the loop for a while, so what's everyone's favorite paint?
It's a rectangular aluminum box, and I will probably paint it dark, although light is not out of the question. I was thinking of that crackle paint that is gold underneath and black on top with fissures in it that allow the gold paint to be seen, but I couldn't find any looking at the local hardware stores today. I'm also still looking for a nice looking power button (large, push button, 120VAC) and a volume knob.
Personally, I like the look of the Rust-Oleum Hammered finish paints. They also have the crackle finish you were talking about on that site, as well as a bunch of other finishes.
Have it anodized.
BTW, wanna share some info on the innards of that thing?
Hammered is one of my favorites too. It looks good, comes in a variety of colors and is fairly forgiving. I like it a lot.
i also agree with the Hammered look. Whatever you do, don't use the fleck stone paint. Though it gives a decent finish if done correctly, the removal of any tape lines will totally destroy the paint in that area. It also takes forever to dry. (Mine took at least 2 days)
I've used fleckstone before. It's OK. It works much better if you coat it with a clear enamel after it dries fully.
But I'm looking for something different.
I've seen the crackel paint used before, it's pritty awsome, depending on the color combo. As for knobs n buttons, try your local Radio sHack.
I used that stuff on my mountain bike!! Looks cool, needs to be redone now, chips and what-not.