Hey I am currently building a very crazy PowerMac G3. I am using a huge PC case that has 10 drive bays. This sucker will have 8 hard drives and a Cd-Rom. I also had to mod an old psu. That was nerve racking i had to get the thing to be able to fit into 2 5 1/4 inch bays. Its in there just not secure yet. That PSU is powering 5 of the drives all of which are SCSI. I am currently trying to figure out a way to mount the mobo. I got this case purely on the fact of all the 3.5 drive bays it had. That was it. It had to removable mounts or anything. So i am trying to figure out how to mount it without having to worry about shorts. I am thinking that i will mount it to a piece of acrylic and then somehow mount that to the case in a way that i can easily remove it. If you have any ideas email me or leave a post. :ebc:
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The beige g3 mobo can use a standard ATX PSU.
all you need to do is change the jumper from MAC to PS/2
oh sorry i didnt mention this before but i have a standard atx 300 watt psu that will power the mobo and all the main drives. Thanks anyway i already knew that. Now if somebody could help me figure out how to mount the mobo. Like i said before maybe some how permanently mounting the mobo on a piece of acrylic. Then maybe using industrial grade velcro to mount it so it can be removed easily?
Here's a thought....
Get some plastic stand-offs and put them in the logic board holes. Add a little epoxy to the bottom of the stand-offs and place the logic board on your plexi to dry. Then velcro the plexi to the case.
Be carefull wil the heavy duty velcro. I almost destroyed something trying to pull velcro apart. That stuff sticks !
I found using a lot of small velcro circles works best.