Most accurate Apple-1 Recreation PCB Project

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Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jul 23 2020 - 04:40
Posts: 73
Most accurate Apple-1 Recreation PCB Project


Hey folks! So, for those that know me, hello! For those that don't, Hi!, I'm Logan Greer and I'm 17 and I like to replicate all sorts of PCBs for fun and build them up! So, I have just recently started another project, and I have a massive goal to create an Apple-1 board to be as MOST ACCURATE as possible! I mean I want this board to be more accurate than the Mimeo-1, Newton-1, and any other replica before this project!!! Now, this project obviously has a budget but depending on the price to do certain things, I might just do it.


And so, I am seeking for help from anyone that is willing to. I need details about boards, hopefully some original owners could help by sharing any photos or details about their boards as well. I also will need as many details about PCB maufacturing that the internet can't tell, I also have been researching alot by myself, and I have found many details, but never any real details about the manufacturing processes and or the materials that were used on them, or even the PCB house Apple went with. I also, would really like to somehow have a very small, small team of people that would be willing to do this project collaboratively as well, or not. Anyways, any details on Non-NTI boards at all are GREATLY appreciated!! I don't really wanna tackle NTI boards for a while preferably. I will need some very specific details about the REAL boards for any owners that have an original board! Also, if anyone knows of the color types, or PCB substrate types, that would REALLY help!


P.S. I'm know that there's gonna be people that will say that materials and the processes aren't done anymore. Which I completely understand. I still want to know / figure out the details for the original processes, materials, and colors used...




Last seen: 10 hours 43 min ago
Joined: Jul 5 2018 - 09:44
Posts: 2651
Logan -- Look up Uncle Bernie

Logan -- Look up Uncle Bernie.  He can sell you about as correct of a parts kit as possible today.  There are several options for motherboard blanks more correct than the ones you mention.  Apple 1 replicas come up around here pretty often.


mrtitanic777's picture
Last seen: 4 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: Jul 23 2020 - 04:40
Posts: 73
Hello! So, what replicas are

Hello! So, what replicas are BETTER than a Mimeo-1 or a Newton-1 board?




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