I'm planning to build these:
I'd just buy them. But I don't think he's going to be making more any time soon. So I plan to make them. The gerber files are on github. But there's no bill of materials. And he's not responding to me.
For the keyboard interface, I can identify the three chips from the photos. And the resisters are marked on the board. The crystal is 8, 10, or 12 mhz. The problem is the transistor. Also, a later revision of the board has a cap. I can't find a value for the cap or a part number for the transistor anywhere.
For the joystick interface, there's a cap transistor also.
Also I wish I had part numbers for the switches and that pot.
Does anyone have these boards and can read the transistor and caps and let me know what they are?
There appears to be some sort of ADC Chip as well maybe on the joystick interface as well. Something from Analog Devices I can't make out the part number.
I was looking at this a couple of weeks too. I went to Github and struck the same problem. There is no parts list and I couldn't make out the transistor and the capacitor either.
It was being sold a while ago so someone must have these. It would be great if someone could share the missing details.
I am trying to use IIe sitting on a shelf while just the keyboard is on my desk (as IIe itself takes up too much desk space). A wired or even better, a wireless USB keyboard would be perfect for this.
I am awaiting boards from OSH to buid this. I'll let you all know how it goes. It is PS-2 and not USB, but perhaps it is some help.
I built one of those. The schematic has a PIC 16F630. I used one and it didn't work.
I noticed there are two .hex files in the file package:
Not tested...
Thing is, I couldn't find a 16F676.
If you have more luck than I did let us know.
I tried the 16F630 with the "not tested" firmware and works fine.
After some digging around, I think I may have found some useful info.
First off, I am not an electronics engineer. My knowledge of electronic circuit is limited. So what I found is to be taken with a grain of salt.
I looked at RetroConnector site, and there was a video where the creator was displaying his products and I found a moment when the "USB - IIe keyboard adapter" was shown in close up. There, you can make out the writing on the crystal.
It says "ATS16B CTS171418". I searched the internet and it looks like this is a 16MHz crystal made by CTS. Perhaps something like this one?
Next the component that looks like a transistor and the capacitor. They are not visible in the video close up so I had to guess what they may be.
I looked at the board design and on the board where the transistor-like component is, it says "5V 3V GND". That made me think that this is not a transistor but in fact some sort of voltage regulator. I looked at the board traces and realised that the IIe keyboard connector 5V pin is connected to the 5V pin on the volage regulator. The output of the voltage regulator is going to the USB shield 3.3V input pin. So I am guessing this is actually a voltage regulator to step down 5V from the motherboard to 3.3V for the mini USB shield. Maybe something like this below?
And finally the capacitor. This was not there in the earlier version of the keyboard converter. This capacitor is connected across the voltage regulator input pin (5V) and the ground pin. What capacitance should this be? In the mouser webpage above, there is a datasheet with typical usage circuit example, and in it, with input voltage of 2.3V to 3.2V, it uses 1uF. So I am guessing we could use 5-10uF for the IIe keyboard converter with 5V input.
It looks like the same components are used for the "USB - Joystick converter" as well.
Let me know what you think.
Ive built a whole bunch of these and know the BOM if anyone needs any help making one. Let me know.
for anyone that wants to see more
How are you getting the video from the //e to your macbook?
I'm gathering parts to build one and would like the BOM.
But more importantly, is the ATMega firmware available?
Kind regards,
Yes and Yes.
Firmware -
(1) UHS Mini(1) 3v/5v converter - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/microchip-technology/MCP1700-3002E-TO/651116(1) Capacitor ,22 uF - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/epcos-tdk-electronics/B32529C1224J189/3490258(2) push buttons - 6 x 6 x 5 mm Momentary Tactile Tact Push Button Switch for Panel PCB 4 Pin DIP(1) ATMEGA328(1) 16mhz oscilator - ATS16B - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/cts-frequency-controls/ATS16B/2640031(2) 470 OHM resistors(1) CD74HC4067(1) CD40518 - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/texas-instruments/CD4051BE/67305(1) Male 26-Pin connector header - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/bud-industries/BC-32677/5291571(1) Female Right Angle 26-Pin connector header - https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/sullins-connector-solutions/SFH11-PBPC-D13-RA-BK/1990099
or if you just want to buy one, I have a few already made: