Powermac 9500 How many internal drives?

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Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 130
Powermac 9500 How many internal drives?

My PM9500 is as follows:
-280 mhz G3
-(2) ATI mach 64 w/4MB VideoRAM each
-Firewire/USB 2.0 PCI
-Asante 100baseT PCI
-Adaptec UW2940 (SCSI)
-(2) Seagate Cheeta 10,000 RPM, 18.5 GB drives
-Apple 12x CD-ROM

What I want to know is...
-Can I mount one of the drives lower and add a SCSI internal ZIP?
-or replace the floppy w/ a ZIP?

Why I would think so...
-the PS has plugs for 4 devices

Why I don't have the cahones...
-I used to have four of those Cheetas in there and I suspect I toasted my PS this way.

I've tried finding relavent info on the net and have turned up nothing.
You guys are my last hope.


dankephoto's picture
Last seen: 1 year 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 1899
I've had up to 5 internal HDs . . .

in my 9500, but none were hot mamas like your 10K Cheetahs. I mounted a pair in the bottom (fabbed a 2-drive bracket with fan), plus 3 in the usual front bays.

I can't see any reason a ZIP wouldn't work in the floppy slot, tho I personally hate ZIPs and therefore cannot recommend placing one anywhere but in the trash. Biggrin

Add up all the power consumption and compare with PS's output for power availablility.

Dan K

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