What is this Apple IIe clone?

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What is this Apple IIe clone?
Image icon IMG_1001.JPG4.01 MB
Image icon IMG_1007.JPG3.54 MB
Image icon IMG_1008.JPG3.55 MB
Image icon IMG_1009.JPG4.66 MB
Image icon IMG_1010.JPG3.9 MB
Image icon IMG_1006.JPG4.6 MB

I recently got an Apple IIe clone. No matter it says "Pravetz 8" on the label, obviously this is not the case.
It boots with "Ready" and nothing more. It does not say "Apple IIe" ot "Pravetz" (Правец).
It has 64KB of RAM, lower and uppercase support, joystick and casette input/output. It does not support 80x25, but with an expansion card, it can.

The monitor is bulgarian, so it is not with its original display monitor.

Any comments are welcome.

Thanks guys.


gsmcten's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?


I personally have never seen one like this.

Maybe Speedy or Georgel.

Steven Smile

BillO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

I think you have a fairly unique item there. Unfortunately I can't help much except that case/keyboard combination looks a lot like one I have. My machine has an original Apple PS and MB in it though.

I hope someone can help out.

dorkbert's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

I have a couple of these. I think they originated from Korea, and is one of few known Asian IIe clone. Much of the Asian cloner by that time have migrated to cloning PCs.

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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Hi Guys,

Thank you for your promtp reply.
I am happy to see that I have something unique.

I promise, I will take good care for it, starting with a good cleaning.

If I have more clearence about the model, will let you know.



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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

I don't think it is unique at all (a forum member above says he alone has two of them) and secondly I doubt its value is higher than that of an original Apple //e Wink

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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?


But is it not something you find everyday either Smile

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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

I am unique but this clone is definitely not Wink

BillO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

I did say fairly unique, although I realize unique is an absolute term, to say fairly unique is a usually accepted colloquialism.

Perhaps, if you want to stick to the letter of rule with semantics and syntax, we could say it's fairly rare?

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

The label shown in the last picture suggests it's Russian. I have a coworker who should be able to translate it, I'll try to remember to ask him tomorrow.

BillO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

It could be a Pravetz 8 power supply and MB in a cheap Korean case.

What is the processor chip on the MB?

Dr. Webster's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

It could be a Pravetz 8 power supply and MB in a cheap Korean case.

What is the processor chip on the MB?

Actually, that leads me to a question, where is that label affixed -- to the power supply itself, or the bottom of the case? The photo doesn't make it clear.

(And re-reading your original post, it sounds like you may already know what's written on that label.)

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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Hi guys,

Yes, I do not know what is written on the label - it says "Pravetz 8 Personal microcomputer" The name of the factory and the year of manufacture - 1985.
The problem is that this is not official Pravetz 8 version. There is no information regarding this model at all. The most important fact is that back in those days, all pravetz models must have Cyrillic keyboard and this one doesn't.
The label is at the bottom.
The processor is 6502.

If that helps.

Thanks again for your assistance.

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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

The label shown in the last picture suggests it's Russian.

Wrong. The label is in Bulgarian, it is just a sticker, and is not placed by the manufacturer.

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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

It could be a Pravetz 8 power supply and MB in a cheap Korean case.

Wrong. Neither the PSU nor the MB are of Bulgarian/pravetz origin Wink The only Bulgarian thingy is the label itself Wink

Tom Owad's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Here's some info that an Alexander Florov sent me a while back:


I first saw your web site about 2 years ago and I
really enjoy it. It's one of the best Apple related
sites on the net.
Unfortunately the info concerning the "Pravetz" Apple
][ clone is not quite correct.
Pravetz is a Bulgarian brand (named after the town,
where the main production facilities are based) and
includes several computers, some of which are Apple ][
The first one in the line was "Imko" (an Apple ][
clone), followed by "Imko II", "Pravetz 82", "Pravetz
8M", "Pravetz 8A" and "Pravetz 8C". "Pravetz 8M" had 2
processors - CM601 (a Bulgarian 6502 clone) and Z80
and you could switch between them (with a small switch
inside the case) and even run CM-P when in Z80 mode.
We had a lot of them in my high school in the
mid-80's. I don't remember which "Pravetz" models
corresponded to which Apple models, but I remember
that the "8A" could use up to 1 MB of RAM (don't ask
me how - that was in the ad).
There was an ORIC Atmos clone as well - the "Pravetz
8D" (my first computer) and couple of IBM PC clones -
the "Pravetz 16" series and some "Izot" models
(produced by another company, but almost identical).
The "Pravetz 8" line was popular in the whole Eastern
Europe (especially in the USSR) and was discontinued
somewhere in the beginning of the 90's.


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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Here's another email from a Kiril Georgiev Bakov:

Hi Tom,

Just wanted to send you some info on Pravetz XX clones of Apple ][.

They were all produced in Bulgaria - in the microelectronic factories in
a small town
called Pravetz. Actually this is the home town of former comunist leader
Todor Jivkov. Smile

The first Apple ][ clone was called IMKO-2, and was produced in limited
amounts, as
an experimental serie.
It was using a modified small TV b/w receiver as a monitor, a bad low-
heavy classical power supply and usually was equipped with a cassette
tape recorder as
external memory. Actually this IMKO-2 was the first computer I touched in
my life. Smile
IMKO was probably translated as "Individual Micro Komputer" (in
bulgarian "computer"
is written with "K").

Then, with a slightly better design, better keyboard, better (pulse in
most machines)
power supply and a real (green/black) monitor it was reintroduced as
"Pravetz 82".

Both were exact Apple ][ clones, the only difference was the "Apple ]["
boot-up logo
was replaced with "Pravetz" one. The character generator was also
changed, to allow cyrillic
letters. The rest of the ROM was 1:1 the same as original Apple ][.

Later, another clone called "Pravetz 8M" was produced. It was a probably
a copy of
German "Basis", with 64K RAM on board, and a Z80 CPU on board, allowing
CP/M OS to be
This and all later clones had larger character generator EPROM, and a
key allowing
switching 2 parts of it. Thus one part of the EPROM contained the
original Apple character
generator, and the other - the one with cyrillic letters. So when you use
original Apple software
- you could switch to original character generator. When you use
bulgarian or russian software
- you switch to cyrrilic chargen. The external design a little better
than "82".

Then another clone Pravetz 8A was introduced. It was allowing memory
expansion up
to 128KB, adding 80 column videoboard, etc. Few large IC were used, thus
reducing the
number of components on motherboard, and making the machine more reliable.
Small letters were allowed both in english and cyrillic, 80 columns text
and better
graphics modes were also possible. The external design was more modern,
with better case.

Another "Pravetz 8C" clone was introduced, and it was the best one (I
still keep one Smile
). It was equipped with 128KB RAM, floppy controller, Centronics printer
controller, RS232
controller, RGB controller and 80 column videomode controller, and all
this was integrated
onboard. Actually "8C" was "8A" with all usefull addon boards integrated
on motherboard.
Pretty reliable and nice machine.

The later 8A and 8C were some sort of variants of Apple IIe and IIc.

Another machine named "Pravetz 8D" was produced, but it was NOT Apple
clone - it
was a clone of French "Oric Atmos" home computer. It has the same 6502
processor, but was
not compatible with Apple ][. Also it had a 4 channel sound processor
(not sure what - already
forgot the chip number). It was a typicall home computer - just a large
keyboard, to which you
can attach external TV, tape recorder or floppy controler + drive.

Later a lot of various "Pravetz 16X" machines (IBM-PC clones) were produced.

All the "Pravetz XX" machines were produced in very large amounts,
covering all the
former socialistic countries of the east block. Most were going into the
former Soviet Union,
which is the reason many people on the west are thinking they were
produced there, which is



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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Hi Tom,

Thank you for the detailed information. However, none of the models listed in the info look like this one. And it is not possible to switch to Cyrillic characters. Furthermore, it does not boot with the Apple ][ logo but only with "Ready" at the top of the screen. It has 64 KB or RAM and I am not sure if capable of adding more.
The most applications run like a charm. Doesn't have native 80 column support but does have HGR mode.



BillO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Wrong. Neither the PSU nor the MB are of Bulgarian/pravetz origin Wink The only Bulgarian thingy is the label itself ;)

Dude, ease up. I was just 'wild guessing'. That's why I asked what the CPU was. I had made no determination.

Are you, by any chance, German?

BillO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

I don't think it is unique at all (a forum member above says he alone has two of them) and secondly I doubt its value is higher than that of an original Apple //e ;)

Wrong. It is indeed turning out to be quite unique :Wink:. Unless you are aware of thousands of Korean Apple //e clones with Bulgarian labels.

Just sayin'.

MarkO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

The Mainboard layout is like the PAL/Euro ][e, with the 60 pin AUX slot inline with Slot #3.. I would guess that an Extend 80 Column Card or other Apple ][e Memory Card would work fine in that slot..

It is definitely an interesting looking system...

I look forward to you getting it cleaned up, and seeing how it performs.


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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

The Mainboard layout is like the PAL/Euro ][e, with the 60 pin AUX slot inline with Slot #3.. I would guess that an Extend 80 Column Card or other Apple ][e Memory Card would work fine in that slot..

It is definitely an interesting looking system...

I look forward to you getting it cleaned up, and seeing how it performs.


Hi Mark,

I am going to clean it up next week, since I am preoccupied with my job right now. I read in the forum that Blonde peroxide will get the yellow of the plastic. Would it work?



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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Wrong. Smile Sorry guys, I just HAD to say it. Blum 3

MarkO's picture
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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?

Hi Mark,

I am going to clean it up next week, since I am preoccupied with my job right now. I read in the forum that Blonde peroxide will get the yellow of the plastic. Would it work?



Are you thinking of RetroBright???

Read Up on what is involved.. I haven't tried doing this to any of my Apple ]['s, but I might someday soon..


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Re: What is this Apple IIe clone?


I found it.

It is the imported model Pravetz 8E, which is being imported in the 80's from Taiwan.
It is made by Orange Taiwan and bought by Pravetz. It hasn't been mass produced and it is rare.
It hasn't also been sold - it has been limit-distributed.
The production took place in 1985 and ended the same year.
It has 64 KB, capable of expanding up to 1080 KB.
6502 CPU, on 1 MHz
Complete 1:1 copy of Apple IIe.
So the mistery is solved.

Thank you all.
I will keep you updated as soon as I upgrade this jewel.


skleung's picture
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Could you please post more picture of the Pravetz 8E Mainboard?

Hi Galinpetkov,

I am so interested in the custom ICs in your Parvetz 8E, could you please help to post more pictures of the mainboard, specially the ICs marked MMU, IOU and the CPU? Many thanks in advance !




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