USB Pro Keyboard technical differences?

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Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: Apr 11 2012 - 07:27
Posts: 75
USB Pro Keyboard technical differences?

I have two different "USB Pro Keyboards" one being the original black model and the other being the later white model. When cleaning up my desk I decided to switch which machines the keyboards were attached to since one got much less use then the other. This is all well and good EXCEPT that on my iMac which had the black keyboard and now has the white keyboard wouldn't respond to the volume controls on the keyboard. I know that the iMac responds to keyboard volume controls and that the volume controls on the white keyboard work - so my question is: What are the technical differences between the black and white pro keyboards (other then the color) The two keyboards in question are: Model M7803 and Model A1048 (shipped with iMac G3 and eMac respectively)

Sorry if it doesn't make sense.

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: Apr 11 2012 - 07:27
Posts: 75
Re: USB Pro Keyboard technical differences?

Interesting to note that running a software update has fixed the problem... Weird!

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