G3 Screen resolution will not go above 640X480

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GEOS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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G3 Screen resolution will not go above 640X480

hay all,I just picked up a G3 desktop 333Mhz the other day and have a problem i can't figure out. The screen resolution will not go above 640x480 which is driving me nuts. It is running X.2.8 and there is no other resolution avalible in the monitors contol panel. It has 2 video cards. Built in and a second which was added. No matter which i use i have the same problem. The monitor is an AppleVision 17" very much like the ColorSync 17". I know the monitor can go above 640x480 becuase it did just fine on my B&W G3. Any help?. I've been able to get the resolution higher after a 9 boot, but now the machine is not even booting into 9.

Last seen: 18 years 4 months ago
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Resolution problems...


I am not a Mac expert, but I believe in the CUDA switch... Could a motherboard reset allow your mac to take a "second" look at the installed card in your PCI slot?

It might be the trick to allow your mac to see the available scan rates... Also, you might want to install the latest drivers for your card again...

I'm not sure why your built in video has that problem...? Too little RAM? naw, it should still at least offer 832x624?

Repair permissions? Quick Diagnostic? Norton's or Techtool? If OS9 was able to switch resolutions, well it seems like a software problem in X. Did you try the "obvious" check box in OSX (show all resolutions)?


Macinjosh's picture
Last seen: 5 years 4 months ago
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Beige Only @ 640x480

One of the Beige G3 boxes I have does this occasionally after I've rebooted it. What I usually do it restart it, and zap the PRAM twice; after that, it's fine. Interestingly, I have the exact same monitor connected to it that you have to yours.

The CUDA is good advice as well.

I also never have the problem in OS 9. However, I find that depending upon the extensions I load and whether virtual memory is enabled, sometimes the machine won't boot into OS 9 without a CD in the CD-ROM drive. You might just throw a non-bootable CD in yours to see if that lets you boot into OS 9. Also might want to try Command-Shift-Option-X , where x is the "number" of the partition/drive with OS 9 on it (only one drive, one partition would be Command-Shift-Option-0.)

If not, is it bombing on boot in OS 9? Is it giving an error message of some sort? If it's just plain freezing, what exactly is on the screen when it does? Does starting with extensions off change it at all?

Best regards,
Macinjosh :macos:

DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
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The Applevision monitors, if I recall correctly, use an ADB connection to send control signals from the Mac to the monitor. Check to see if your monitor has an ADB port on it. Should be one at the back and one at the side.

You'll need to run an ADB keyboard cable from your Mac to the monitor. I have no idea if you *have* to use an ADB keyboard as well - don't see why you should - but if you are using one and not a USB, run that off the monitor.

You'll also need the right control panel and maybe an extension installed. I've forgotten what they're called. Maybe Applevision Smile

Oh and because of this, you'll never get better than 640x480 under OS X.

Once you've got it set up correctly, they are excellent monitors, with great tools in the CP for colour calibration and alignment. They have a tendency to die, so if you really like it and aren't bothered about OS X, it might be worth your while to add a cooling fan in the back somewhere.

Google should find you the info about the ext/CP.

/edit/ I've just re-read your post and I see you are trying to run this with X. Sorry, but I think you're SOL until someone writes an X driver.

Mackie's picture
Last seen: 18 years 8 months ago
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Try trashing the Monitors/Dis

Try trashing the Monitors/Displays (one or ther other) Prefernces file.

(In SysFld>Prefernces)

GEOS's picture
Last seen: 2 years 4 months ago
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Posts: 334
Oops, sorry guys. I forgot t

Oops, sorry guys. I forgot to say i fixed this problem a while back.

DrBunsen's picture
Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 946
How? And if you fixed it u


And if you fixed it under X, I gather it's not one of the old beige ADB-controlled Applevisions. Or has a driver shown up at last?

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