Compatibility of various StyleWriter models with an Apple IIgs ROM 3 (OS: GS/OS 6.0.1)?

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Joined: Jul 17 2011 - 19:48
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Compatibility of various StyleWriter models with an Apple IIgs ROM 3 (OS: GS/OS 6.0.1)?

Hi AppleFritter Members,
I was just hoping to follow up on a question that I had asked a while ago about various StyleWriter models' compatibility with an Apple IIgs ROM 3 (OS: GS/OS 6.0.1).
The consensus seemed to be that the only StyleWriter model that I might find to be compatible with an Apple IIgs ROM 3 is the very first one (a monochrome one) that was manufactured first in 1991.
Now having read information on a number of Web sites about the comparative specifications of the various StyleWriter models, I'm not able to see why the first-produced model has a greater chance of working for me. All but 1 of the StyleWriter models are listed as connecting to a CPU through a Serial Cable (and in follow-up pictures I looked at of these printers, it always seems to be the small, round, 8 pin Serial Cable, like the Port used with the ImageWriter II).
And although various StyleWriter compatibility specifications I've read have mentioned a certain language of data communication (or maybe it's a brand of facilitating software that transmits data between most StyleWriter Models and an Apple IIgs ROM 3 CPU) is unfamiliar to me, (and I don't know where I would be able to get a copy of it, if it's needed), I did note that whatever that unfamiliar to me software program is was mentioned uniformly among the specifications listed for all (or almost all) of the StyleWriter models. There didn't seem to me to be anything uniquely "old-school" about the first-produced StyleWriter's method of communication and operation that would make it more amenable to an Apple IIgs ROM 3, rather than solely to a Macintosh's CPU.
If I had my choice (because, hopefully, there isn't a difference - and one that can't be worked with - among StyleWriter model compatibility with an Apple IIgs ROM 3), then I'd look to purchase a StyleWriter 2200 Color Portable Printer. To me, that model seems to offer the most appealing combination of features among the StyleWriters.
I'd really appreciate any further information that you might be able to reply with about for whether there's a reason that I'm overlooking why only the first-produced StyleWriter model has a significant chance of being compatible with an Apple IIgs ROM 3. If I knew what the reason was, then maybe I could think about whether there's a way to work around the compatibility issue(s) that the other StyleWriter models may present.
Thanks very much.

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Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 594
Re: Compatibility of various StyleWriter models with an ...

The GSOS driver only works with the original stylewriter and then only in system 6.

Yes, virtually all stylewriters use the same printer cable and you can plug them all into the IIgs. Trouble is Apple never wrote a driver for later model stylewriters and never released the information that would allow others to write one.

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