What would the possibility of having GBBS run through Applewin? Since alot of people have already converted all their floppies to .DSK format and alot of the Hard Drive images as well have been converted of to .HDD . This would be kinda cool in itself! If there was a way for Applewin to emulate an Applecat Modem , or Micromodem or what ever one had at the time... Would be neat to boot up these old BBS's and run them again and see how they were at the time they went off line! I know that there are Telnet sites out there , but they seem to confusing and not editable when it comes to customizing the looks and feel of the site like GBBS was back in the day! If there was a program ou there that was as good as Gregg Sheaffers BBS program then I would jump at it to replicate a bbs that I enjoyed back in the day , but so far the ones that I have come accross look like Garbage.. Applefritter looks good , that's one good example of how a layout of a board should look like... But I know that there were a ton of bbs's back in the day that just ran off of two Disk ]['s . I have been in contact with the writers of Applewin and hopefully , someday , there will be an emulation of a modem!
Anyways just wanted to pick everyone's brain for a sec to see what you thought.
I have converted my sider HDD image running GBBS Pro (ACOS version) and it runs fine with AppleWin among other apple emulators I've tried. I reconfigured it to run without a modem to play with it, but it should work with any hayes compatible modem that uses the AT command set (even over TCP-IP but it needs to be coaxed to answer over TCP)
Its actually not that difficult, I recall the earlier GBBS 1.3j (whatever version the Applesoft version was) did have a Super Serial AT command set modem driver
I never ran an apple cat, I went from a Hayes Micromodem ][ to a Hayes compatible 2400 baud (Maxxim hayes smartmodem knockoff)
Coincidentally, I feel the same way about the lack of configurability, I had started writing a Telnet Server application (multiuser multithreaded in C#) with the intention of writing an ACOS emulator.