Need Utility to Format a Generic SCSI HD In a SE/30 MAC, 7.5.3 HD Format Utility Won't Work Even With it Updated

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Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: May 13 2009 - 02:00
Posts: 31
Need Utility to Format a Generic SCSI HD In a SE/30 MAC, 7.5.3 HD Format Utility Won't Work Even With it Updated

Hi, I have an SE/30 with a Microstar International SCSI harddrive in it, not the original Apple brand harddrive, and my problem is I can't get the Apple HD setup utility in 6.0.5 or 7.5.3 to recognize the drive. I even updated the 7.5.3 HD setup as suggested to recognize most SCSI HD's, and it still doesn't see that it's connected. What I need is a utility instead of the Apple HD setup disk that I can boot my SE/30 up with, and format any brand of SCSI harddrive that's connected. If anyone knows of a sofware that will work for me on the SE/30 please send me a link. Thanks a bunch!

Hawaii Cruiser's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
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FWB Hard Disk ToolKit (HDT),

FWB Hard Disk ToolKit (HDT), but sorry, I don't know where you'll find an early floppy version. I'll tell you one thing--an external SCSI hard drive with a system on it is a life saver with any Mac with a DB25 SCSI port. I've still got one I've used to repair my Beige G3's. My suggestion is to have one handy if you're going to hang around with those old macs.

Last seen: 5 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: May 13 2009 - 02:00
Posts: 31
Anyone Else Know Where to Find It?

Does anyone else know where to find FWB Toolkit 1.0-2.0 for download so I can make a floppy to run on my Classic to format a non-Apple brand SCSI hdrive. I've heard of Anubis too but I don't know where to get an early version of it either. If anyone can help me out I'd appreciate it. Thanks again!

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Joined: Feb 9 2006 - 12:41
Posts: 217
AU/X Installer...

should allow you to format any SCSI hard disk. It is what I used on my SE/30 with a big external SCSI disk. Do a google search for 'apple aux' and you should be able to find some disk images.

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