Whenever I try to post an ad on craigslist with Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator I can't get past the part where you type in your ad. I click continue and it refreshes the page I was just on while keeping the text and images that I entered. When I try it with Opera, I get to the part where I am supposed to type in the characters that I see in the image, but I can't see the image. If anyone has any idea about how to get around this problem, then please tell me.
These are my program versions:
Mac OS 9.2.2
Internet Explorer 5.1
Netscape Communicator 4.7
Opera 6.02
Like Classilla (free) or iCab (shareware)
I always used wamcom mozilla (http://wamcom.org/) when I was surfing with OS 9. Classilla is based on it.
I just downloaded iCab and the problem was eliminated. Thanks.
Glad we could help