Crack screens of old games

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Crack screens of old games

Lately I've been looking at the cracked games of old Apple IIs and I've become really interested in the cracked screens/signatures. How was this done? I thought it would be fun to try and do it myself.

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Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 226
Crack Screens..

good luck! it's not as easy as alot of people think... cracking a ware or software was not that easy of a task. I know a personal friend of mine from my childhood days that cracked hundreds of titles back in the day . He used a modified Non-Autostart F-8 Rom so that he was able to drop into 6502 Machine language at will.. He was so good at what he did he could crack a ware in less then 10 Minutes! Some titles depending upon the company or programmer took a little longer due to the cleaver protection schemes that were put into place.

One good example was a game called One On One , the basketball game with Larry Bird and some other dude , can't remember LOL . But if you did any kind of changes to the code of the game , the game would boot up as normal but the two players on the screen would just start running around crazy like with their hands up in the air! LOL and that was about how far you got.. Then there was the art of making the crack screen with the variety of different art programs , and alot of them were really really nice , alot of them had shifting screen images , sound , and what not .. really cool....

I too was thining about snapping pics in .jpg format of all the warez that I have and putting them into a slide show collection because alot of these crackers and cracking groups were very imaginetive when it came to the crack screens...

So that's my part on that...


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Posts: 265
Hi, Here is the URL to a fe

Here is the URL to a few of the screems.

As far as how to do them there were a few programs that did it, like the the Pirates Signature and others. I may have some of them but how and when to use them not a clue.

BTW most collectors want a clean copy.

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Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 226

yea twightlight is right ... most collectors want original warez that are not cracked , but actually kept to it's original condition. that's why having such copy programs in the past would aid in the duplication of certain software. central points copy ][ plus and locksmiths 5.0 version copy programs made it simple to enter parameters to copy certain disks , by making exact copies.... pirates signature by johnny appleseed and others were ok at best , they just did little flashy screens for users... the ones that did more interesting ones where the ones that actually got into the boot screens on these disks , added sound schemes like the game Tube Way II , The Jerk out a great sound scheme in it , it would make a neat sound until you would hit any key... very kewl .....


Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: Nov 12 2009 - 23:27
Posts: 2
I've come across that textfil

I've come across that textfiles website, and that's what originally got me interested in trying it.

I understand that most collectors would want the originals, but I just want to do this as an art project. I'm currently working on a project where I've changed all the text in the MECC game Oregon Trail to L337. I just opened the .dsk files in a text editor and changed all the text by hand, there was probably an easier way, but it worked for me.

I just want to try something advanced and I don't know where to start really. I have come across pirate signature, so I'll have to look into that.

I'm only using an emulator, Virtual ][, will this be a problem at all?

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