Hey everyone... I am looking for an old program for the Apple Cat Modem , this one was called CatSend or Cat-Send? It was a transfer utility that someone wrote along time ago , for some reason I thought I had it in my collection of software , but I don't :O( I tried looking online for a download site , but can't find it... So if you have it , can you send it too me ?
Did you mean cat-fur?
I know a site which may interest you. It is http://jammed.com/~jwa/Machines/cat/
Cat-Send was a spin off of the popular cat-fur program.
It was used mainly for the transfering of software between two Apple's
Like I said before , this was a spin off of CatFur for the Apple Cat Modem , I think it may have been the first of a series of utilities that was written specifically for the Cat. If anyone has it , can you please email it to me?
Thanks again for you help.