Hey folks, former Apple IIe owner (bought one in 1982)... now getting back into it. I have been reading about using ADT to transfer .dsk images to the Apple, and all the directions say at some point, "Run ADT on the Apple." How do I get ADT running on the Apple if all I have is a .dsk image of it... see the problem? Do I need to buy it on 5.25" floppy first? If so, where can I do that.
Newbie question: ADT, Chicken vs. Egg problem
April 4, 2009 - 10:59am
Newbie question: ADT, Chicken vs. Egg problem
You bootstrap your Apple using either your serial card or with audio cables. See:
On the first try from my headphone out, to the apple cassette in.
loaded up, (but I only had 48K on the apple so I did not get far, but the bootstrap loaded up...) it was cool...
so that way it can be bootstrapped from an ipod... wouldn't that be cool, new apple saying hello and "It's Alive!" to an old one...
Well, if you go this route... make sure you don't compress the audio. MP3 does lethal damage to the characteristics the Apple II looks for.
Glad you can appreciate it.
I'm just imagining the awesome geek cred one would get by showing off booting an old A2 system from an iPod...
If you have a Mac running OSX 10.3.9 or higher then these instructions for the free Virtual II emulator and A2V2 for connecting a Mac to a IIe with a serial card are excellent. Once the two are connected, the A2V2 software included with the Virtual II emulator running on the Mac will automatically send the ADT software to the IIe where you can save it to a 5.25 floppy. It worked for me on the very first try after buying the necessary equipment. You'll be using ADT to transfer images from the Mac to the IIe and vice-versa in no time:
Virtual II apple IIe emulator Download Page:
It looks like RetroFloppy has all the necessary components for sale. If you're not sure what to buy, email them and tell them what you want to do and they should be able to set you up. I believe you will need to buy the Super Serial Card, the DB25M to DE9F Adapter - Straight Through cable, and the USB to RS-232 Adapter.
They also sell the ADTpro 5.25 disk if that is all you are interested in.
One note, I purchased this USB adapter instead of the one at RetroFloppy:
This was seriously so easy for me to do that I couldn't believe I waited as long as I did to try it. It's a fun setup and the entire thing took me 15 minutes to get working. The best part is you can archive your old 5.25" floppies on the Mac and run them in the emulator. Great way to make back-ups of many old disks.