se/30, 128k,

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Joined: Dec 26 2003 - 16:21
Posts: 6
se/30, 128k,

I have an se/30 for sale that is pretty nice. it has a 40mhz 68030 Daystar powercache accel. (this is socketed so the pds slot is still available) it has 20Mb ram, 2+ GB hard drive, external cd rom, original keyboard and mouse, two pds cards (ethernet and video (can only use one at a time)), powerkey unit to start from the keyboard,. Case, keyboard, and mouse are in good phisical condition and NOT yellowed. Software includes OS 7.5.5 , office 4.2, clarisworks 5, wordperfect and etc..

I also have a Mac 128K in excelent condition with keyboard and mouse, original documentation and disks, etc...

if interested , e-mail me at

p.s. each sells for $125.00 plus shipping.