FS or FT: Various Apple and Mac stuff

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Joined: Dec 19 2003 - 14:45
Posts: 14
FS or FT: Various Apple and Mac stuff

I've startED cleaning my basement and came across some stuff I want to get rid of. Most of this stuff I will sell very cheap or just for the cost of shipping from Rhode Island, just PM me with the zip to figure out shipping costs.

This first section is all apple II stuff that I've received from people who decided to dump there old hardware on me. I've test the equipment and it all appears to power up, however a lot of the stuff is dirty from sitting in attics and basements.

All this stuff is free, just pay for shipping (part numbers in parens):

Apple II Monochrome Monitor (A2M2010)
Apple Imagewriter II with owners manual and cables (A9M0310) - No Ribbons
Apple DuoDisk (A9M0108) - have no 5.25 to test it but lights come on when accessed
Apple IIe (A2S2064)
Apple IIgs ROM01 - case plastics is broken in front, no expansion boards
Appleworks (A2D450 1/A) 3.5" disks (2), in box with quick reference card and manual, no 5.25 disks

The following items make me an offer, plus shipping:

Powermac 6400/6500 power supply (614-0060)
Powermac 6400/6500 PCI riser card (820-0897-A)
Powermac 6400/6500 Ethernet CSII Card
GameWizard 3DFX Voodoo2 PCI graphics Card (MAC VERSION) - no software
3DFX Voodoo2 PCI graphics Card (PC VERSION) - no software

I am also willing to trade for any of the following items:

Powerbook 1400CS floppy drive
Mac SE FDHD or SE/30 logicboard
Mac SE Ethernet card

As I clean out my basement, I will add more stuff.