Ooops! It's a Macintosh PLUS model...

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A2forever's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 226
Ooops! It's a Macintosh PLUS model...

Sorry about the last post guys... I have a Macintosh PLUS model... I had an emulator on a floppy that emulated a //e , but for some reason it died :O( . Any how that's what I have. I want to get this system all together. Get what ever floppies it came with , and start from there.


Patrick A.

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Here's a link to an emulator that should supposedly work on Mac Plus, found here:

"... ][ in a Mac was the first emulator ever designed for Macintosh computers. It worked on the original toaster Macs, and apparently ran at a decent fraction of the Apple ]['s speed..."

Download link is here.

As to getting a complete set of disks or whatever for your Plus, well... I'll leave advice on that to someone else. (I was just curious if there was an emulator that could run on machines that old.)


A2forever's picture
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: Dec 20 2003 - 10:38
Posts: 226
Thanks but.....

thanks for the link. Once I d/l the emulator, my next step would be how do I get it to the mac? I would like to do a transfer with ADT , but I don't have a ADT version for the mac? Unless someone else has one that can send me one on a floppy 3 1/4? Then all I would need is a null cable modem to run from the mac to my laptop , which would most likely be a high speed usb connector.


Patrick A.

Last seen: 9 years 4 months ago
Joined: Apr 10 2006 - 20:01
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Patrick - It sounds like y

Patrick -

It sounds like you want to treat the Mac Plus like an Apple II, and transfer disks to and fro using something like ADT. Unfortunately, there is no such animal in existence. You can't hook up the Mac Plus to (say) a PC via null modem and transfer disk images back and forth.

To get Mac disk images from the Internet all the way down to an old Mac, you're going to need an intermediate Mac that can 1) talk to a machine that can get on the Internet, and 2) write an 800k floppy. A Mac IIci or Beige G3 are typical examples.

But armed with only a PC or a new iMac and a Mac Plus: You Can't Get There From Here.

Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: Jan 29 2008 - 06:55
Posts: 44

Long term, if you want to get lots of programs to your mac you may want to invest in an Asante (or similar brand) SCSI Ethernet Adapter. I have one on my Mac Classic and it works great. I think I'm running system 6.07.

But to get to this step you will need someone to make 800K floppies containing the network install floppies and then fetch (ftp). Once you have fetch you can get anything to your Mac.


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