Can someone recommend a good screen saver?
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I don't believe that I have ever heard of a screen saver written for the Apple I computer. I would be a simple job to program, though. I'm thinking that a short BASIC or assembly program that would type a line of text, then check for a key-stroke to end the routine, and repeat the text line. The scrolling text should easily prevent the screen burn-in. The only problem I would want to consider, is the start-up of the program. Since the Apple I computer does not come with a timer, the user would have to start the screen-saver each time it was needed. As fast as the boot-up is on the Apple-I, it might be just as easy to turn off the computer or just turn off the monitor.
Larry Nelson
This one is made to look like the movie "The Matrix"
10 DIM A$(64)
20 A$="!@#$%^&*()+{}|:<>?/.,';][\=-1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
30 GOSUB 1000
40 TAB 3:GOSUB 1000
50 TAB 5:GOSUB 1000
60 TAB 7:GOSUB 1000
70 TAB 10:GOSUB 1000
80 TAB 13:GOSUB 1000
90 TAB 15:GOSUB 1000
100 TAB 17:GOSUB 1000
110 TAB 20:GOSUB 1000
110 TAB 23:GOSUB 1000
120 TAB 25:GOSUB 1000
130 TAB 27:GOSUB 1000
140 TAB 30:GOSUB 1000
150 TAB 33:GOSUB 1000
160 TAB 35:GOSUB 1000
170 TAB 38:GOSUB 1000
1000 A=RND(64)+1:PRINT A$(A,A);:RETURN
1010 END