VGA Adapter for the Powerbook 5300cs

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Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 2629
VGA Adapter for the Powerbook 5300cs

Good Morning Everyone,

I received my new in the box, never been opened or used PB5300cs last week and have been letting the battery charge since I opened her up. I have a few upgrades that I am attempting, such as extra RAM, a SCSI adapter so I can run a CD unit, and an 8Gig CF card and adapter to replace the hard drive.

The one adapter I seem to be having trouble finding is from the Video Out to VGA or SVGA.
The sites that I have visited have called the existing connector a Micro DV-14. As I am inexperienced in this area, I have to ask for everyones help.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Smile

gsmcten's picture
Last seen: 6 years 8 months ago
Joined: Oct 4 2005 - 18:52
Posts: 2629
VGA Adapter...

Good Morning Again,

As I was searching, I was fortunate enough to come across an adapter up on ebay from Maple Ridge Auctions. I just finished paying for it and it should be attached to my 5300 within the week. Smile

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