Alternate PSUs for a Rev A iMac

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doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 19 min ago
Joined: Apr 14 2004 - 17:52
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Alternate PSUs for a Rev A iMac

For those of you who have beheaded your early Rev iMac and gone for a case mod or something similar, what is the best solution for replacing the PSU?

I want to know the most compact solution for;
1 - powering the mobo only (no monitor)
2 - powering the mobo and monitor

I am looking into a mod/hack and I know many folks have gone for the ATX PSUs, but I want something smaller. I may simply recase this in the original Bondi shell but with some other mods and I am unsure if I want the monitor or not so I need to know the best mobo-only solution and the best mobo+monitor solution.


Eudimorphodon's picture
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Re: Alternate PSUs for a Rev A iMac

I am looking into a mod/hack and I know many folks have gone for the ATX PSUs, but I want something smaller.

There are many readily-available power supplies which are electrically ATX (ie, they have an ATX connector), but are smaller then "standard desktop case" size.

Here's some that are hardly bigger then the plug itself.

If you don't need something *that* tiny suitable smaller-then-usual power supplies can be salvaged from old 1U server boxes, bare-bones "micro desktop" machines, or whatever.


doug-doug the mighty's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 19 min ago
Joined: Apr 14 2004 - 17:52
Posts: 1410
Thanks! I will check these o

Thanks! I will check these out and see which fits for my needs best.

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